Tuesday, June 24, 2014

That, taken lessons from ancient Fathers. skeg protector Redeeming them from the Tri glory God, thr

Brothers! Lord said: My sheep hear my voice and follow skeg protector me (John 10:27). Therefore, one who is a true disciple, he is' dwells on his Abba obedient to death, and everything and make his Abba, the addresses in its development, without judgment must of what is commanded or say: "Why is it, why is that?" Otherwise, he would not student, but the judge Abba; All this stems not from something else, but from wanton human will. So, if anyone Abba commanded skeg protector his disciple to perform some work, and he began to contradict, then it is obvious skeg protector that he wants to set up its own and replace the word his Abba. Let such to rasudi: in that case who will be Abba - He whose word is replaced, or the one who stayed? skeg protector Who wants to fulfill skeg protector his will, he is the son of the devil, and he who does the will of this, he does the will of the devil. Even if to fulfill his will, and then you will not get peace. (I always skeg protector am serene self-will, forgive me, sisters). A contained in it? Just disobedience, which is destruction of the soul.
So see that you are offended by his Abba, he should be separated from it, so as not to destroy your soul and not bore judgmental skeg protector of others who razvratuva. When you do not know whether his Abba acted well or ill, he immediately falls away because of his faith, because even act according to his will, no one was fairer than his own Abba. And since he knows better than his poleznoto Abba and still his student, skeg protector let alone leave and let them teach others. No oprelestuvajte are the devil and follow his vnushenijata will damage yourself - you will never be in your will, because evil does not pull evil. But if you leave your faith in God, then he will act as he pleases.
Sister! You have to endure, because God said: The Run for you patience souls (Luke 21:19) and the Apostle: Patience you need (Hebrews 10:36). If God wanted you to investigate whether you have experienced something, do you show that you have patience? Why not say to your thought: "How long I lived, did not have other istrpam not many days?" And when you thought says: "And Abba act with others?" - Answered her: "Because they are sacred, and I'm unbecoming and contrary to every worthy'm oskrbuvanje. "if you feel for your Abba chovekougodnik, and he is not really like that, then you execute the doing his own soul; and if he really is chovekougodnik, then you can not give an answer for him, but he will have to answer for you. Who wants something and gets it, he should consider the time and leisure amenities, and then you will understand why you are going on what he wants; skeg protector and one that did not understand it, not to good at reprimanded anyone else but ourselves, saying: "I am unworthy", such is the way of those who want to be saved and to live according to God.
If you want to pray for many things, because God knows what we need, pray: "Lord, Lord, Jesus Christ, teach me your will!" If you pray for passion, then says: "Heal me on Your will. "And when you pray for the trials, said:" You know poleznoto for me, help her and my weakness in your will Dari me escape from temptations "or" Lord! I'm in your hands, you know poleznoto for me, sent me after thy will, not dopushtaj to fall into delusion and abuse of your gift. Ustroj, Master, it is done in your side, for your glory forever, amen. " skeg protector
You should always have confidence that we are mistaken in everything - and word and deed, and thought, and in any case to say "I have sinned" - we can not. It vnushuvaat our demons who want to 'throw in the doldrums. They vnushuvaat skeg protector us that you speak so for each his work, then we think we are wrong. But to remember the Eklesijast, saying, The time to speak and a time to be silent (Ekl. 3:7). And in the morning - the last night, and evening skeg protector - the last day to say with compunction in prayer for our Bishop - God: "Lord! Forgive me 'for Thy holy name and heal my soul, for sogreshiv before thee. "And that's enough for you, the eligible when having a permanent lender, takes money out of it at different times, and because it is not able each time to discharge it with accuracy, to discharge at once; so it is here.
That, taken lessons from ancient Fathers. skeg protector Redeeming them from the Tri glory God, through the prayers of Mary, by the intercession of the heavenly hosts and Besplotnite of All Saints, which ever I please skeg protector the God of our fathers, and who now struggle and pray for us. Amen.
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