Monday, March 31, 2014

The Negro race evinces certain phylogenetic traits of character, habit, and behavior that seem suffi

W.M. Bevis was a psychiatrist at Saint Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., where he presumably had extensive experience in treating Negroes. This article for the American Journal of Psychiatry (1921) summarizes peter mcdonough his observations about mental peculiarities peter mcdonough of the Negro.
The Negro race evinces certain phylogenetic traits of character, habit, and behavior that seem sufficiently important to make the consideration of these peculiarities worthwhile; especially as these psychic characteristics have their effect upon and are reflected in the psychoses most frequently seen in the Negro. Forming so large a part of the population and living peter mcdonough as he does under conditions, climatic and otherwise, that are favorable and natural, the Negro of the Southern states forms the basis of the observations and deductions of this brief article.
Less than three hundred years ago the alien ancestors of most of the families of this race were savages or cannibals in the jungles of Central Africa. From this very primitive level they were unwillingly brought to these shores and into an environment of higher civilization for which the biological development of the race had not made adequate preparation. In later years, citizenship with its novel privileges peter mcdonough (possibly a greater transition than the first) was thrust upon the race finding it poorly prepared, intellectually, for the adjustment to this new social order. Instinctively the Negro turned to the ways of the White man, under whose tutelage he had been, and made an effort to compensate for psychic inferiority by imitation peter mcdonough the superior race. Thus we see in this people a talent for mimicry that is remarkable. Efforts to imitate his white neighbors in speech, dress, and social customs are often overwrought and ludicrous, but sometimes sufficiently exact to delude the uninitiated into the belief that the mental level of the Negro is only slightly inferior to that of the Caucasian.
The insidious addition of White blood to the Negro race has produced peter mcdonough significant effects upon the latter. This racial admixture of blood has been between the Negro female and the White male, with practically none between peter mcdonough the Negro male and the White female. But we cannot agree with Hoffman when he says that there is probably no true-blooded Black man in the United States today. A limited observation and study of the Negro families in the South will reveal the fact that there are still hundreds of the pure Black African stock untouched by any possibility of miscegenation, thought as the years go by they are passing. If the original White parent were always even an average representative of his race, mentally and morally, the hereditary effect upon the more or less mulatto offspring would naturally be that of improvement of the traits and mentality of the colored race, but unfortunately the White man by whom this fusion of blood starts peter mcdonough is most often feeble-minded, criminal, or both. This miscegenation appears to have effected the longevity of the race, and the changed social environment has brought about a moral and mental deterioration, together with a diminished power of vital resistance. Information has been brought out by some writers that the mulatto more nearly approaches the White in the contour peter mcdonough and shape of the cranium; that the facial angle in the mulatto is larger than in the Negro; that the cranial capacity has been increased, but that the race may have gained in an intellectual way but not in a moral. according to O’Malley.
Healthy Negro children are bright, cunning, full of life and intelligent, but about puberty there begins a slowing up of mental development and a loss of interest in education as sexual matters and a good time begin to dominate the life and have the first place in the thoughts of the Negro. From this period promiscuous sex relations, gambling, petty thievery, drinking, loafing, and a carefree, prodigal life, full to the brim with excitement, peter mcdonough interspersed peter mcdonough with the smallest possible amount of work, consume his time. The female of the race begins promiscuous heterosexual relations, even with grown men, at a remarkably early age, resulting in illegitimacy and the spread of venereal diseases. Many mulattoes do not conceal their pride in being the paramour of a White man or becoming the mother of a quadroon. With their low moral level and as free agents, no wrong is felt in gratifying their natural instincts and appetites. The untoward effects of their excesses and vices are potent factors in the production peter mcdonough of mental diseases.
Motion, peter mcdonough music, excitement, or a combination of these make up much of the life of colored people. Their natural musical ability of a peculiar type, and their sense of rhythm, are too well known to make comment necessary. Motion pictures especially delight but the modern dance has little or no charm for them. The cake walk, shuffling, strutting, buck and wing, and such dances as give a wide range of motion of the

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Refugee and immigrant: two terms which are generally confused. The difference between them is basica

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Despite the sparse knowledge of the Brazilian population on the issue of refugees, the question of war is always present. It will astonish no one to say that we live in an era of generalised conflict around the world. In contrast to the two Great Wars of the last century, verhuisdeken in which blocs of countries confronted each other generating mass displacements of populations, today we see numerous conflicts scattered all over the globe.
But to what extent can conflicts in regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East affect societies to whom these problems are distant and alien? The answer to this question can be found with refugees and immigrants, who end up the responsibility of nations other than those from where they originated.
Refugee and immigrant: two terms which are generally confused. The difference between them is basically juridical. For refugee, we quote here the definition used by Brazil's  National Committee for Refugees (CONARE)  [pt], linked to the Ministry of Justice in Brazil:
Será reconhecido como refugiado todo indivíduo que: I – devido verhuisdeken a fundados temores de perseguição verhuisdeken por motivos de raça, religião, nacionalidade, grupo social ou opiniões verhuisdeken políticas encontre-se verhuisdeken fora de seu país de nacionalidade verhuisdeken e não possa ou não queira acolher-se à proteção de tal país; II – não tendo nacionalidade e estando fora do país onde antes teve sua residência habitual, não possa ou não queira regressar a ele, em função das circunstâncias descritas no inciso anterior; III – devido a grave e generalizada violação de direitos humanos, é obrigado a deixar seu país de nacionalidade para buscar refúgio em outro país.
The verhuisdeken blog Citizenship and Professionality  [pt] gives an idea of how citizens, in this case Portuguese, understand immigration and emigration, verhuisdeken explained here by readers Helder Monteiro and Helder Ribeiro:
A emigração é o acto e o fenómeno espontâneo de deixar o seu local de residência verhuisdeken para um país estrangeiro. A imigração é o movimento de entrada, permanente ou temporário e com a intenção de trabalho e/ou residência, de pessoas ou populações, de um país para outro. A imigração em geral ocorre por iniciativa pessoal, pela busca de melhores condições financeiras.
Emigration is the spontaneous act and phenomenon of leaving one's place of residence for a foreign country. Immigration is the inward movement of people or populations from one country to another, permanently or temporarily, with the intention of working or residing. Immigration generally occurs by individual initiative, as a result of a search for better economic conditions.
In the case of Brazil, as in other countries, it is the Constitution  [pt] which defines the legal status of foreigners who become Brazilian. Chapter III “On Nationality” clearly defines who has the right to naturalisation: “Foreigners of any nationality, resident in the Federal Republic of Brazil for more than 15 consecutive years and without criminal verhuisdeken convictions, on the condition verhuisdeken that they request Brazilian nationality”.
Therefore, superficially speaking, whereas refugees are forced to leave their countries as a result of conflict and persecution, emigrants leave voluntarily in search of more favourable working conditions to support their families. Examining the issue in more depth, the juridical question presents verhuisdeken itself in the following verhuisdeken manner: refugees have their status determined initially by the United Nations, whose asylum request is then judged by the receiving country; yet immigrants are subject solely to the laws of the country which receives them, without external interference.
According verhuisdeken to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees , at the end of 2012 there were around 15.4 million refugees in the world. Of this number, Brazil was providing refuge to around 4,656 at the end of 2013  [pt]. This number verhuisdeken is alarmingly small in comparison with the country which takes in the highest number of refugees, Pakistan, with around 1.6 million people.
However, although the numbers themselves are still small, proportionally speaking the number of refugees practically tripled from 2012 to 2013, from 199 authorisations to 649, according to an article re-published on the blog ‘Lajes do Cabugi’  [pt].
This is the result of external pressure placed on Brazil by NGOs, and even other countries, which demand that the discourse portraying the country as a third-world nation – with insurmountable internal problems to worry about – should be abandoned. For this reason and others, a national debate on making t

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Do it! You will be thrilled! Instead of dragging everything into your home and having that wonderful

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If lewell you are new to the forums, you must register lewell a free account before you can post. The forums have a separate registration from the rest of, so your log in information for one will not automatically work for the other. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed here are the views of the individual and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Chronicle of the Horse.
For those of you who now have a washer/dryer in barn and are in a smaller private barn vs. large boarding barn, yay or nay? We visited a friend's barn and it's small, private and she bought a used washer/dryer for $50 each and has them in her tack room. She said it's a Godsend and my trainer has them too. We were really trying to keep costs down but the more I think about it, our home's laundry is on the SECOND floor. Home will be close by on the same 10 acre lot (like one-minute walk), but not thrilled about bringing stinky horse laundry lewell to the 2nd floor to wash. We want to keep electric to a min. in the barn as we do have room to run off our home panel (400 amp service) vs. the transformer along the road which is further and will be alot more expensive lewell to run from. Do washer/dryer require lewell "alot" more electric capability? Would love opinions on having them vs. not
The only real cost will be the capital cost of the washer, dryer, and installation. The water, soap, electric, etc. will be the same whether you run them in a house or a barn (all things being equal). lewell Washing up horse gear is hard on a machine; drying less so. Using machines in the barn also mean no horse hair in your underwear, on your towels, etc. That can be a Good Thing! For the relatively lewell small cost of used machines it's a small luxury that worth it. We have had a washer in a corner of the wash rack (it's a 12'x12' space). Works quite well. In a warmer climate the dryer is not required; you can line dry stuff without too much trouble. lewell G.
Be sure you install W/D somewhere insulated from cold. I had a W/D set up on an unheated sunporch in one house I owned and the lines would freeze if we had an especially cold winter. Ended up installing a space heater on the porch - not exactly economical for a barn.
Electric will be the same whether you wash horse stuff in the house or in the barn, so don't really see the issue there. You need a special plug for dryers and proper venting to the outside. Is your barn plumbed for water and has plumbing for draining water? Though, I have thought of putting a washer/dryer in the barn and letting the water drain directly out into the pasture; rather than trying to tap into the septic system. It's grey water so doesn't really hurt anything and I use eco friendly detergent. However that would depend on where you live and how strict they are about that. Getting a washer that is big enough to really wash heavy blankets is key, I have an extra large capacity front loader that won't wash heavy blankets very well, it doesn't fill with enough water and what water is in it doesn't circulate very well when the blanket completely fills the washer.
Do it! You will be thrilled! Instead of dragging everything into your home and having that wonderful aroma of a combination of mud and manure come in with them, and having to wash a load of rags or something after u do the horse laundry to make sure all the horse hairs are out of the washer tub ad hoping that others in the home don't get hairs or hay pieces in their laundry, horse laundry will be so simple. Save up for it! Let us know how you like it !!
Wow, lewell 400 amp service. Was this place set up to run a welding shop or something? The average residential service is 200 these days. You will need to run a 10-3 220 wire off of a 30 amp breaker from the pannel to the drier location for the average electric driers. But different driers have different requirements. A lot of people sell perfectly good driers cheap because they squeak or have a loose belt. Simple lewell to install rebuilt kits can be had for very little money. You can pretty much forget about using the average residential washing machine to clean heavy blankets. It will kill the machine in pretty short order. Starting with loosing belts off during the spin cycle. Then the clutch will go and or motor. They are not designed for that kind of load. If one is diligent front loading commercial machines can be found for a few hundred dollars. I would bother with connecting to a drain unless it is very easy. As another said we are only talking gray water here. I just dug a hole filled it with gravel and let it drain into that. I don t care what code says. It s not like the code police come around checking on things.
I would search Craigslist for a used commercial front loader. They hold up longer lewell and can do the horse blankets too. With the price of the fancy front loaders now, you'd be pay

Friday, March 28, 2014

Firstly, let's have a bit of this transparency you're talking about and let everyone know that you c

By Bill Citara
Not long ago, I set foot in my first and last Smoothie King . At the time, I was a smoothie-making fiend in my own home, gulping down bags of expensive organic frozen berries like flappers guzzled dj flight case bathtub gin. So I was psyched when I walked through the door of this "nutritional lifestyle center" at 14200 SW Eighth St. (we'd just finished a thirst-inducing bike ride through Shark Valley) to see the reasonable prices on immense fruit smoothies.
A 40-ounce blueberry smoothie for just $8? Wow. Yes, 40 ounces of anything is probably going a bit overboard. But this wasn't beer or steak. And considering blueberries are one of the most nutrient-dense fruits on the planet, are insanely high in antioxidants, and might even prevent and reverse age-related mental dj flight case decline dj flight case (oh, and also they taste amazing), this seemed like a delicious, health-boosting offer I couldn't refuse.
The bored-looking teenage counter girl pushed her long dark hair from her face, revealing a mocking smirk. dj flight case "OK," she said. Her patronizing sneer frightened me. What evil secret does she harbor? I wondered. Why is she laughing at me?
As she began preparing the smoothie, the answer soon became clear. There was not one actual berry in sight. Instead, she squirted a purplish stream of "blueberry juice blend" dj flight case from an old-school Slush Puppie-style dj flight case dispenser. Next, she extracted a slimy and browning semifrozen banana from a cooler. Finally, I watched in horrified disbelief as she pumped a few more squirts of an unknown clear liquid, which I can only guess was sugar syrup, into the cup. I was so stunned I couldn't even tell her to stop. She blended all this crap together, and the result was a weighty Styrofoam-encased barrel full of frozen sugar sludge, which, for "just" $8, I soon held in my hand.
Even though I knew better, I decided to take a sip. Sure enough, it tasted like artificially flavored corn syrup ice. (Note: Because Smoothie King uses " proprietary" ingredients that are "manufactured to guidelines set by the franchise ," I can't actually be sure whether the "juice blend" or the mystery liquid contains corn syrup, cane sugar, fructose, dextrose, dj flight case or some other form of sugar. But one thing I can tell you is that the smoothie contained sugar. And lots of it.)
I noticed a couple who collectively weighed around dj flight case 600 pounds bumbling in through the entrance. " Let's do something good for ourselves today ," I imagined they were saying to each other, as I held my 650-calorie sugar-water blend in my hand." Let's have Smoothie King for lunch ."
The rest of my posse, who were not as nutritionally anal-retentive as I, ordered and received their concoctions without seeming fazed. I, meanwhile, dj flight case tried to hold in my stream of outraged indignation dj flight case so as not to impede my friends' enjoyment.
I failed. We had barely made it to the car before I dumped my frozen junk juice and began my rant about how betrayed I felt by this place that had the audacity dj flight case to label itself a "nutritional lifestyle center."
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Miculito Bay 5pts
I'm no fan of Smoothie King...but this is awful, hyperbolic writing. Smugness dj flight case and fat-shaming aside (nice, dj flight case btw!), this is just poor writing and bad journalism. dj flight case Why is New Times publishing this shit? Some random dj flight case vegan is disappointed by Smoothie King - BREAKING NEWS! Check your use of language and attitude towards people. " I noticed a couple who collectively weighed around 600 pounds bumbling in through dj flight case the entrance." Seriously?! You sound incredibly ignorant. Civilized people don't talk like this anymore.
Whatever, it tastes good. If you don't like it. Don't buy it. Writing this skewed editorial about some local business owner's honest livelihood is much worse than some ingredients you just don't like. #BADREPORTER
Camille you have to be the worst reporter on the planet. Your entire dj flight case article is filled with incorrect assumptions, poor investigation, and hateful comments. The only Short Order you reported on was your brain cells and capacity as a reporter. dj flight case
Firstly, let's have a bit of this transparency you're talking about and let everyone know that you chose the largest size possible. You also could have easily asked the employee what this "mysterious" clear liquid was, and they could have informed you that it is simply water. But I guess that wouldn't go well with your blast post, huh?
Smoothie dj flight case King informatively divides their menu into different sections so customers can easily find a smoothie that meets their needs. The "indulge" section provides some smoothies that are exactly as indulgence rather than a meal replacement. These smoothies will have more sugar than some of the others.
Personally, I choose the Gladiator Vanilla with banana and peanut butter. I don't get a lot of protein in my diet, and this smoothie provides me with a boost. I get a Small and it easily replaces breakfast or lunch for me. This smoothie is also

A passage that has perplexed me since childhood is Mt. 5:21-22. You have heard that it was said to

Anger, Raca, Moreh, and Gehenna in Mt. 5:21-22 - Theologica
A passage that has perplexed me since childhood is Mt. 5:21-22. You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment. But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, Raca, is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, You fool! will be in danger of the fire of hell.
It has perplexed me because there seems to be little or no difference between Raca and fool . And why did Jesus use the various words judgment , court , and fire of hell . I mean, to me judgment and fire of hell carried the same connotation; and there is little, if any, difference between kistvaen calling someone stupid, empty head (Raca) and calling a person a fool . And if Jesus was just restating the warning in different ways then why use the word court ?
Though this passage has perplexed me for many years, it raised no significant kistvaen theological kistvaen concerns for me so I had just shelved it. Over the last couple of years though I have been studying about judgment, Hell, and Gehenna which is the word often translated as Hell in Mt. 5:22. Of course, kistvaen one of the first things I found in my research kistvaen was that Gehenna was the valley or ravine of Hinnom just outside of Jerusalem which was used as a trash dump. It was an actual kistvaen place where there was a continuous fire and no shortage of maggots (worm dies not) which were always ready to consume the dead material cast there. There is evidence that the Pharisees used Gehenna as a theological metaphor of punishment in the after-life, primarily remedial kistvaen punishment, but also possibly annihilation or indefinitely long punishment for the especially wicked. And thus Gehenna would likely be best either simply transliterated as Gehenna or translated as the city trash dump . Either way, Hell, as in endless torment, is likely not a good translation of Gehenna.
In reviewing this passage while studying kistvaen about Gehenna , I reviewed the words translated as judgment and court and found that krisis (judgment) not only speaks of judgment in general, but also was used to reference the local judicial system, a tribunal of seven men who would make judgments concerning local common disputes; and synedrion (court) spoke of the Sanhedrin, Israel s Supreme Court. The Sanhedrin judged the most serious kistvaen and most important cases including cases where the death penalty was a possibility. So there seems to be a progression of the seriousness kistvaen of offence and potential penalty for crimes. But how does Gehenna fit into this possible progression?
In this passage there also seems to be a progression in offences from simple anger, to name calling. kistvaen But here again there seems to be little difference, kistvaen if any between Raca and fool . Raca means basicly empty head ; in today s venacular it would be like calling someone kistvaen stupid . The word fool has the same basic connotation though some commentaries indicate that fool was somewhat more degrading. As I was researching the meaning of fool though, I found that the Greek word mora (Vocative case of moros ) translated as fool could also be a transliteration of the Aramaic word Mora and the Hebrew kistvaen word Moreh which means Rebel . And of course, both Raca and Gehenna are both transliterations, kistvaen as well as Synedrion . So understanding Mora as a transliteration instead of a translation fits well the immediate literary pattern.
If Mora does mean Rebel, then this fits the apparent progression in the passage. It also helps us understand what was meant by Gehenna for in Israel kistvaen rebels were crucified by the Romans and often cast into Gehenna as a means of further humiliating the rebel. To be not given a proper burial was very humiliating to the Jew. And to be cast into Gehenna was especially vile because kistvaen of it being such a spiritually unclean area which was associated with the severest judgment of God against Israel when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. In fact, the Law required that Isrealites not only bury their dead, but even the dead of their enemies. So to be executed, not buried kistvaen and cast into Gehenna was to not only suffer the ultimate humiliation personally, but was to bring humiliation kistvaen and shame to all of Israel, especially one s family and loved ones.
In this passage there is a progression of offense from anger , to verbal disdain of others , and ultimately to rebellion kistvaen . And there is a progression in punishment from local civil judgment, to the Sanhedrin, and ultimately to being executed by the Romans and completely humiliated by having one s corpse consumed in the city trash dump (Gehenna) by fire, maggots, and wild animals! All this starts with anger.
And by the way, note that the NIV and other versions do not include the phrase without cause to modify being angry with one s b

Thursday, March 27, 2014

All times are GMT -4. The time now is 10:16 AM .

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I have updated my presets atlas box and crating for firmware 3.02 . In the zip file you'll find the presets contained in both a bank file and single preset files. The presets are here . I have made a lot of changes in existing presets: almost all of them have been deeply enhanced, thanks to fw 3.0. And I've also added some brand new presets. And I've also included 6 presets from other people originally made for Axe-Fx Standard/Ultra that I converted to the Axe-Fx II (they start at #100 in the bank). All my presets are made for my FRFR rig - they might not sound as intended on your own rig. And it's better if you set your input level as described in the manual (section 3.1). About the audio level : My presets sound much louder than the factory presets. I did this in order to get a decent audio level when recording direct through USB. If it's too loud for your taste, then you can easily modify the level (in amp block or vol/pan block or preset output). Enjoy and tell me how you like them.
Me too!
Fender AVRI 62 Tele, Fender atlas box and crating AVRI 62 Strat, Squier CVC Tele, Xaviere XV820 Tele, Squier CV 50's Strat, Hagstrom Swede RI, Ibanez S-470DXQM Liquid Foot Jr. FBT 12ma (X 2) Since June 2007 It goes "bonggggggg" as opposed to "thuk". Since June 2011
Don Frantz / 1966 Guild F-30 / 1986 Ibanez Roadstar / JTV 59 / AXE FX ll/ MFC-101/ Boomerang lll / Strymon Flint / RCF NX-12 SMA / Dynaudio BM6A MKll / UAD 2 Quad Apollo/ '96 Strat/ Two Notes Torpedo Live/ Vintage Revolution Pedal Pro
Aug-23-2011,  11:36 AM #9
Here is the first one. For those of you who don't know this preset already, the magic happens when using a pedal in Ext1... The controller affects the Input Gain of the Multi Delay block. If you don't have a pedal, you can change it to a front knob (A, B, C, or D). The effect appears when lowering the pedal or knob. It seems good to me. Yek, let me know what you think of it. EDIT : Presets removed. See first page for updated presets.
Raca Senior atlas box and crating Member Join Date Jan 2009 Location Paris, France Posts 761
You're Da Man, thanks. Sounds great. I increased the effect volume (modifier menu), I reversed heel/toe (like it the other way around), and set Bypass atlas box and crating to Mute In. Great! Feel free to tweak it and tweak again. And what about the crunch part of the sound? This one I'm not sure...
SynFactory Member Join Date Nov 2009 Location Italia Posts 134
Didn'have an Axe II yet, but that "Cure Seventeen..." patch need to be saved Actually I did not try to replicate the sound of Robert Smith. I feel it's the same family of sound, so I named it like that. This one is with the Fender Vibro sim, not the JC120. It is not bad for playing "Play For Today"... I'm sure you'd be interested to know that I made it first for the Ultra. And you can find it here: My presets
Actually I did not try to replicate the sound of Robert Smith. I feel it's the same family of sound, so I named it like that. This one is with the Fender Vibro sim, not the JC120. It is not bad for playing "Play For Today"... I'm sure you'd be interested atlas box and crating to know that I made it first for the Ultra. And you can find it here: My presets Thank you Antoine, but unfortunately atlas box and crating I've sold my Axe Fx Standard some time ago. Right now I'm waiting for the Axe II to arrive. If you have some other post punk inspired patches, please let me know, they would be really appreciated! Thanks! Paolo
Raca Senior Member Join Date Jan 2009 Location Paris, France Posts 761
Some more. "Pedal" in name means you should use a pedal for controlling some parameters. In the presets below, it controls the amount of amp drive. Pedal From Heaven was tweaked from an Ultra factory preset. EDIT : Presets removed. See first page for updated presets.
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 10:16 AM .

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

PRINCIPLES Exemption from registration with or in the trades during the creation of the company kri

> Learning> Unemployment> Social Conference 2013> kristinabe Right to strike> kristinabe Working time> Equality at Work> Equality Women / Men> kristinabe Jobs> Far right: social imposture> Training> Group> Youth> Law called "Securing the employment "> My Living Wage is capital! > New status of the employee> Reform Working representativeness> Employees crafts> Employees of small businesses (TPE)> Employees undocumented> Health and Working> Unions> Sunday work, night work
> Help for autonomy or disability> Living> Social kristinabe Cohesion> Culture> Sustainable Development> Economy> Education> Tax> Social History> Immigration> kristinabe Accommodation> Family Policy> Social Protection> Retirement> Sport> Health System
> Social News France-Europe (English / Español)> European kristinabe Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)> International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)> Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation> cooperation, training and solidarity> G8, G20 summits and international> Institutions EU and International> European social legislation and collective bargaining> Liberties Union and Human Rights> Migration> Globalization and Sustainable Development> International Social Standards> New European Treaty> Peace and Security> Foreign Policy kristinabe of the EU
The entrepreneur is an individual entrepreneur. This status was created by the Law on the Modernisation kristinabe of the Economy of 4 August 2008 and in force since 1 January 2009. It is touted as to move "very easily, for an activity on a regular or ad hoc basis, and minimizing administrative costs." It is a set of measures to exercise a little self-employment, some of these measures existed before (status of micro enterprise). The government is doing a showcase of its policy and proudly announces the figure of 100 000 self-employed entrepreneurs in three months!
PRINCIPLES Exemption from registration with or in the trades during the creation of the company kristinabe trade and companies register; micro social Simplified Plan: simplified payment of social security contributions and the amount kristinabe calculated by applying a flat rate to net 'turnover. Contributions are a percentage of turnover achieved: if you ride your car company and you do not make sales, you pay contributions; Possible option for the payment of income tax (for income per household not exceeding, in 2007, 25,195 per unit family quotient). The withholding payment is calculated by applying a single rate of turnover. It is paid at the same time that social security contributions, No VAT, business tax exemption (maximum three years) kristinabe in case of option for the payment of income tax, a land of heritage protection; simplified accounting procedures. The difference with portage In the portage, the professional will be the wage guarantees, and it is a tripartite relationship (client firm / portage / "carried"). The auto-entrepreneur, meanwhile, is a real individual entrepreneur kristinabe registered in RNE (National Business Register), completely independent legally and paying kristinabe the social system of non-employees. Negotiation is in progress, it is still unclear on the future kristinabe of the port and status that will be involved. However, it is obvious that if the system is really carrying away the wage (eg no rights to unemployment insurance), many workers today may be tempted by the port would benefit from becoming entrepreneur. Rate difference between contributions kristinabe and failure to give a percentage to a third company would generate a significant difference in income guarantees similar. RISKS
At the individual level Simplifying the installation procedure is such (eg the exemption of preparatory courses mandatory installation kristinabe for artisans) that people will miss often essential knowledge. This is detrimental to the survival of the company, but more certain ignorance can revel

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

During the COFO18, were also liable for parallles events, sessions and seminars dinformation-in-pro

Bulletin of the negotiations of the Earth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An environment information service negotiations and development matire
The ten-eighth rajpack session of the Committee of strong (COFO18) of the organization rajpack for food and agriculture (FAO) sest held at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, 12 March 16, 2007. Day Meet Runion has about 600 participants reprsentant governments, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, including Chairman of Nigria rajpack Olusegun Obasanjo and a number of ministers.
Delegates have examined issues relating to: the location of forts in the world in 2007, Forts and cornerstones of energy, the protection of the forts, the Forestry Service local level, Progrs towards sustainable forest rajpack management (SFM) EDITORIAL llaboration of a program for FAO in the field of forestry, decisions and recommendations of the Governing Bodies FAO and the XIII World Forestry Congress.
During the COFO18, were also liable for parallles events, sessions and seminars dinformation-in-progress session on a range of topics, including: national programs for ts (PNF), the fight against poverty, the strong rajpack fire management, health forts, land forts regime, small and medium enterprises forestires the voluntary guidelines rajpack and forestry tools that contribute rajpack to sustainable development, a new generation of management programs lines watershed, forestry-agriculture interface, and the missions of rduction dioxide rsultant carbon dboisement. There was also the meetings of the Bureau of Commissions forestires rgionales (CFR) and the Collaborative Partnership on strong (CPF).
The COFO18 has adopted a final report in which COFO requested and recommended FAO beginning this many activities on issues dbattues in for the meeting, rajpack including: strong and cornerstones of energy, protection of strong, strong for local level, progrs made towards rajpack SFM and llaboration dun EDITORIAL program for FAO in the field of strong.
The Committee of strong (COFO) is the largest lOrgane FAO also includes the strong rajpack rgionales Commissions (CFR) statutory forest, the Advisory Committee on Paper and products riveted wood (ACPWP), the Committee on the issues of forestry mditerranenne rajpack (Silva rajpack Mediterranea), the International Poplar Commission and the Group of experts on genetic resources forestires. The biennial rajpack sessions of COFO, held at FAO Headquarters, in presence put the heads of forest services and other senior rajpack government officials, for dtermination rajpack new policies and new technical themes, the finding solutions and providing davis FAO as well as, other, undertake appropriate on the action. This is RALIS through: priodiques reviews of international forestry problems and lvaluation these problems, an evaluation of FAO and its implementing forestry programs work the davis supply the Director Gnral on future programs of work of FAO in the field strengths rajpack and their implementation; driving dexamens and providing recommendations on issues particulires relating to the forts, which are transmitted by the FAO Council, the Director Gnral or the Member States, and the preparation of reports of the intention of the FAO Council. Ladhsion in COFO is open to all Member States wishing to participate in the FAO's work.
COFO-12: COFO douzime sest held in 1995 and dedicated t exam the role of FAO in forestry, particularly in the field of management foresti sustainable re (SFM). Participants have BOARD llaboration on the criteria and indicators (C & I) for SFM, trade and the environment, the role Ventuel FAO within the United Nations Commission for sustainable development (CDD) and the Intergovernmental Panel Discussion on strengths (GIF). The dlgusy have also ngoci the Rome Declaration on Forestry, which has t, later adopted by the Ministerial meeting, they have also dbattu of medium-term outlook for the FAO (1996-2001) and its long-term rajpack priorities (1996-2010).
COFO-13: A treizime its session rajpack in 1997, COFO continued its consideration of progrs rajpack towards SFM and recommended the implementation of the IPF proposals EDITORIAL. It turned pench on the question of the role of COFO and the CFR. He PROCD further exam implications of P

Monday, March 24, 2014

By social pedalboard case security contributions pedalboard case are talking about health insurance

By social pedalboard case security contributions pedalboard case are talking about health insurance and the general pension system ... Otherwise, before anything else, I would prefer to clarify my position on ... Between a national public system of solidarity and fair well managed ( what is possible, the Swedish pedalboard case have shown), and a private pedalboard case system, I prefer to say now that I much prefer the public system of national solidarity. Particularly by private pedalboard case competition that brings with it many additional costs, such as advertising and marketting, remuneration pedalboard case groucho capital and Mexican armies, the proliferation of administrative and IT services, local multiplication ... I remember all of even with their doctor Knock system, the U.S. has a lower life expectancy among us (and declining now, when the latest figures that are not in this graph, if I remember correctly), so that they spend twice as us in terms of health expenditure in GDP: What one retort that if we compare with Switzerland, with its private system, we find the opposite result ... Of course ... What that In any case, anyway, in France, by dint of gluttony, of Babel ideology, patronage and denial of reality, pedalboard case false Goche really managed to kill any legitimacy to the idea of national solidarity and ... Today was actually the choice between a public system ruined, unfair and highly mismanaged, and private, with its above-mentioned flaws ... And basically, the choice now is to know what you annuitant wants to stuff between the annuitant soviétoïde on protected and groucho capitalist TBTF ... A choice of choosing between the plague and cholera. So I am not going to say ... One last thing, for pensions, a benefit of capitalization, we need to know is that you do not need to maintain a population ponzi artificially to pay the pensions of the elderly. You can project your savings abroad to invest and work foreign home, to pay pensions at home, without having to import millions foreigners above said ... In any case, it's been a while h16 speaks, and be aware that it is possible to leave the safety ... And obviously the movement is growing, and in the following interview, the head of the association speak now 500 applications per week ... Exclusive: I leave Safely, Episode 1! Counterpoints, 02/02/2013 (in French) C. Laurent pedalboard case link is self-employed. Tired of his relationship with Social Security, he decided to leave and take out private insurance. Day after day, he tells you his journey, the obstacles he faces, and his impressions about the functioning of private insurance. This article pedalboard case is the first episode of a (long?) Series. To follow each week in Counterpoint. Claude Reichman: "We receive 500 requests from Social Security by week" Survey and debate, 05/19/2013 (in French) link Claude pedalboard case Reichman is Chairman of SPLM (Freedom Movement of Social Protection) since 1991 and founder and spokesman of the Blue Revolution in 2005. He looks back on over 20 years of struggle against the monopoly of Social Security, and the possibility of legally since 1992 out of Social Security as an employee or independent. Rare interview (because of the taboo) and exciting, where we learn among other things that the left leaning in this case in the direction of liberalization (ie against the CGT and the Communists), while the right was leaning side of nationalization (therefore the CGT and the Communists). Where we also learn that the pace of outflows Social Security accelerates, and far beyond the 10,000, at a rate of 500 requests per week now. Part 1 of 2: Part 2 of 2:
"Mexican armies, the proliferation of administrative and IT services, the proliferation of local ..." We can not say whether it is limited to private problems. Otherwise the U.S., their poor life expectancy (in terms of standard of living) may be more to do with their deplorable power with the effectiveness of their health pedalboard case system. Reply Delete
EU being neo-liberal aims to privatize all public services and therefore organizes forfeiture (mismanagement and other Deviances ...) of these same utilities to justify their privatization, while it is possible AND cheaper to have a secu + public pensions in equilibrium. That utilities defend tooth and nail against the defections is normal (it is their Gagnepain) is normal. Any defection is as neo-liberal financial victory polishes

The solution is simple, it is to apply the same principle as that of autoentrepreneurs, pay social

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Nothing new under the sun, but still the same aberration. Contributions fenizolan are set according to what is gained over the year N-2. You will say: "just be provisioned? "Bah not because you pay for the current year on the basis of N-2. So N-2 is already paid and regularized at the end of N-1.
You have not understood? This is normal, I took two years to understand. I will pay contributions on back that I did not have and I am not at all to have. This of course to disastrous when your turnover ranges from 10% to 20% from one year to another. I also spend you the details, like the fact that a large part of the fees that I pay is subject to income tax. For info, there are associations that are authorized managements to these tax subtleties!
The solution is simple, it is to apply the same principle as that of autoentrepreneurs, pay social security contributions at the same time as the VAT every month or every quarter.
Freelance Consultant in ergonomics and UX since 1999! I work on many carriers, WIMP interfaces on television via the mobile web for consumers or professionals.
Yes I have somewhat the same problem .. it's been three years and I still do not know how it really remains to the end .. then yes I accrues fenizolan accrues I got the impression that ca never enough ... why no fee as auto-entrepreneurs I wonder!
Cipav, AF Urssaf, RSI as I know. For 26 years, specializing in liberal prof medical sector. Soon retired Cipav, hello wrecks (not nice what you say just do a good word) Small disagreements: - It is true that you pay in advance on income that we do not have, but we had the year N-1 and N-2 years, and can still be in year N. And if they are not in year N, Urssaf recalculates cotis according bnc N-1 and adjust in late 2013 on 2012 income. Ditto for the Rsi, a little different for Cipav - about Cipav: pension fund not bad at all, my advice to contribute immediately above your bnc slice, you will see good results for your retirement - payroll taxes are business expenses, so there is no tax on it, but they come in the basis for calculating social security contributions, as employees pay contributions on their gross salary and not on the tax net - Liberals can not reason as employees where there are no surprises on the net pay must be provisioned, save, hoard for the difficult years living under his real income. Those who can not get used to it must urgently fenizolan return to the wage, difficult future assured. Good Sunday anyway, to your available if needed.
The medical sector is probably a little different from my area. I work by contract, not with a "mass" of patients, so my turnover can vary greatly from one to two. Leverage some years is important, fenizolan when we combine the effect of charges and taxes. For example, fenizolan make the calculation with years to 50k, 75k, 100k, 75k, 50k CA.
The problem is not paying payroll taxes, but to banker for these organizations over several years in advance. To some extent, it prevents me from changing to other things, other intervention models or take 6 months to train me to something else.
In terms of retirement, I have to say the point system of Cipav is probably the least worst. But my potential future retirement, fenizolan start by buying a house ... What would like the challenge fenizolan now, in the Paris region for freelance!
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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Articles and pages most viewed A young pig farmer named best in Cameroon A Cameroonian made its coc

A first in Cameroon since the withdrawal of state activities phytosanitary treatment Autonomous Port of Douala in 1990: consolidated within the National Union of processing companies, hygiene jimmy mcdonough and sanitation and plant equipment dealers (Synsthar phyto- ), thirty companies in the sector will soon legally exercise treatment and post-treatment monitoring of agricultural commodities in the port area. On 10 March 2011, the organization was officially recognized by the orientation of the Port Advisory Committee (cco / pad) as the main link between the State and phytosanitary companies providing service port.
According to Jules Simon Momassa, National President Synsthar-plant, this decision will take joint action with governments to improve the label Cameroonian agricultural commodities on the international market. It will also pave the way for greater jimmy mcdonough professionalism in the treatment and post-treatment monitoring of agricultural goods for international trade. "With the help of corrupt officials, some fictitious jimmy mcdonough companies operating jimmy mcdonough in the unlicensed phytosanitary port. Not only, they do not do good work, but in addition it is surprising to see that the cargo they have not treated well beyond the control of the position of plant police, "is unworthy jimmy mcdonough the head of the organization. This lack of professionalism sets the label of Cameroonian agricultural products.
According to the president of the Phyto-Synsthar, many shipments of agricultural commodities Cameroon are destroyed each year in international ports. Without consistent with international trade standards defined by the International Convention for the Protection Convention (IPPC), the World Organization for Food and Agriculture treatments (Fao) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers (TBT) the World Trade Organization (wto) ratified by the State of Cameroon. "At present, only companies that have adequate detection equipment, approval and qualified personnel may perform phytosanitary treatments of agricultural commodities at the port," he explains.
The government's decision will also allow member companies Systhar phyto-to rebuild their financial health. According to the head of the union, many operators of the plant die accuse a shortfall due to unfair competition from fictitious companies. Recent practice low prices because jimmy mcdonough they do not have to bear expenses such as, for example, pay salaries, taxes, jimmy mcdonough etc..
The Autonomous Port of Douala, the intervention of operators Synsthar phyto-will not be limited to the treatment plant. In order to participate in the improvement of the label Cameroonian agricultural products on the international market, operators Synsthar-Phyto will be involved in monitoring post-treatment. "We will be represented jimmy mcdonough at the time of evaluating jimmy mcdonough the work of member companies as observers to verify the quality of agricultural goods to be exported," concludes on the Synsthar-Phyto.
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Articles and pages most viewed A young pig farmer named best in Cameroon A Cameroonian made its cocoa butter ... Cameroon: a new dryer to keep the

Friday, March 21, 2014

NOTE: THIS ARTICLE is to help the public better understand the issues addressed at the WTO. while e

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NOTE: THIS ARTICLE is to help the public better understand the issues addressed at the WTO. while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein, the article does not prejudice the provisions of Member Governments.
TO LEARN MORE about the "three sisters" SPS - international standards papphocker bodies:> Codex Alimentarius> World Organisation for Animal Health> International Convention for the Protection of Plant
In addition, a group of a dozen countries complained to the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) of the increase in the number of measures relating to the safety of food, animal health and preservation plants that were illegitimate barriers to trade because they were not based on international standards or scientific evidence.
The concern over the closure of Indonesian ports was one of three new issues papphocker and problems raised 12 former Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS).
Members were also informed of the questions and comments pending, eg on measures against mad cow ban imposed by the Chinese Taipei on meat from animals that have been fed ractopamine (a additive making it more lean meat), Chinese requirements for the methanol content of certain alcoholic beverages, and EU regulations on "novel foods" - including products considered traditional, particularly in Latin America. The EU presented a report on the Schmallenberg virus recently discovered, which resulted in a number of trade restrictions.
The Committee was informed that 328 trade concerns had been raised since the entry into force of the SPS Agreement there 17 years. Was presented with a report on the latest consultation on how to manage private sector standards, the use of mediation services of the President in disputes between Member States in order to avoid disputes and issues arising from the third review about the effectiveness of the implementation of the SPS Agreement (there were no new proposals in this regard).
The Secretariat indicated that 242 training and technical assistance on SPS had been organized by the WTO in Geneva and around the world since 1994, including 21 in 2011 (document G/SPS/GEN/521/Rev. 7). Organizations with observer status and some countries also provide technical assistance. This is an essential service to help developing countries to implement SPS measures and to meet the standards imposed on their export markets.
The main function of the SPS Committee is to monitor how countries are implementing measures relating to the safety of food, animal health and plant health in the context of the WTO Agreement and to examine the issues arising, including in international bodies recognized standards. The subjects of his deliberations will observations on specific measures to more general principles.
The complaint concerning the measures are not based on scientific evidence or international standards came from Argentina, Australia, Brazil (who raised the problem), Canada, papphocker Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, United States, New Zealand, Paraguay and the Philippines (document G/SPS/GEN/1143/Rev.1), and was supported by South Africa, Mexico and the EU. India reminded Members the provisions Surveill

In general, the Working Group has yet to meet a few times to revise the draft report before approvi

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NOTE: THIS ARTICLE is to help the public better understand the issues addressed remember papphocker at the WTO. while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein, the article does not prejudice the provisions of Member Governments.
The Minister of Industry and Trade of Laos, Mr. Nam Viyaketh, acknowledged that it was an ambitious goal - Laos even considering that the discussions of the Working Group are completed in October perhaps in time for the General remember papphocker Council to take a formal decision this month, and some Members have indicated that all the legal formalities can be completed so that Laos can become a Member of the WTO New Year 2013.
Mr. Nam has made the following statement: "This is an ambitious goal, but the work that has been made, the understanding of Members facing difficulties faced by the least developed countries in their process remember papphocker of transformation countries, as well as the generous assistance technique that is provided to us, make a realistic goal. "
The official remember papphocker designation of Laos is "Lao" or Lao PDR. At its eighth meeting, remember papphocker the Working remember papphocker Group examined for the first time a draft report which will subsequently become the essential component of the accession agreement which describes the legislative and institutional remember papphocker reforms undertaken by Laos and commitments intends to take.
For Laos to achieve its objective, it must respond promptly to the latest questions on its trade regime, updating its legislative program (new or revised laws) and loop - with Ukraine - the only remaining remember papphocker bilateral negotiation. The Working Group could hold three meetings remember papphocker in 2012, this is the first time he would meet more than once in a single year.
Ambassador Yi said the following: "Provided that the authorities of the Lao PDR are working with determination and speed to submit the required data elements, my intention as Chairman remember papphocker of the Working Group - and consultation with Members and the Secretariat - would hold the next meeting in July, before the summer break, so as to finalize the issues remember papphocker that are still unresolved in the report of the Working Group. "
Similarly, the set of texts relating to the accession project could be distributed in its entirety before the summer break, "so that a final meeting of the Working Group to be held in September or October," Has he said.
The working groups are composed of the accession of WTO Members wishing to negotiate with the government seeking accession. The final decision on accession shall be taken by all Council Members in general meeting or at a ministerial conference. remember papphocker
The talks are now in their "final stage," said President Yi. This description is generally used when bilateral negotiations are nearing completion and when the information that the acceding country has communicated its laws and regulations or project affecting its obligations under the WTO are sufficient to produce a draft report of the working group,
essential component of all documents relating to the accession. The meeting that issue here was the first meeting devoted to the consideration of the draft report on Laos.
In general, the Working Group has yet to meet a few times to revise the draft report before approving it and before it is finally approved by the General Council. In the meantime, the acceding country continues remember papphocker to answer questions, provide

Thursday, March 20, 2014

After the discovery of a fifth case of black spot disease in a lot of citrus shipped from South Afr

Topics WTO Agreement EPAs EU Free Trade Agreements ACP ACP regional trade Market access SPS / Food safety Product Differentiation CAP reform Biofuels Climate change Aid for trade Other free trade
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WTO agreement EPA ALE - EU FTAs ACP - ACP regional trade Market access SPS / Food safety Product differentiation CAP reform Biofuels Climate change Aid for trade Other Commodities folding cartons
At the end of August, 2013, a fifth case of black spot disease has been detected in citrus consignments exported by South Africa to the EU, which has prompted the Asaiah folding cartons the organization of young Spanish farmers to call "immediate action folding cartons by the European Union." The Asahiah says that "since the fifth case detected in the Netherlands (...), lots from South Africa continue to happen without the EU administration has taken any action." The Asahiah folding cartons argued that the introduction of restrictions against imports of citrus from South Africa would not have a protectionist purpose, but is rather a response to a "serious pest problem."
After the discovery of a fifth case of black spot disease in a lot of citrus shipped from South Africa, the situation has been clarified folding cartons by the European Commissioner for South Africa in a press release folding cartons on August 30 2013. The delegate was of the view that no EU measure would be taken for protectionist purposes, outlining the nature of the off-season South African exports, which ensures the continuity of the distribution throughout the year.
The EU delegate said that the EC decision to introduce a threshold 'trigger' five interceptions came after no less than 39 interceptions in 2011 and 32 in 2012, the competent South African authorities have assured a return experience and ineffective monitoring thereafter.
The delegate announced that consultations would be undertaken with the South African authorities folding cartons in order to identify measures to be taken in response to the discovery of the fifth case of black spot disease. The delegate folding cartons stated that "there is no automatic threshold folding cartons between five interceptions and a possible ban."
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), meanwhile, has been asked to issue a new opinion on the threat posed by infections of black spot disease on fruits imported from South Africa, South authorities African submitting evidence to EFSA in the process.
South African authorities for their initiated dispute settlement proceedings before the International Convention for the Protection Convention (IPPC). IPPC says on its website that it "provides a neutral forum for dialogue on the technical aspects." The IPPC Secretariat, which reports to the FAO, "provides technical support and facilitates communication folding cartons to resolve disputes in accordance with the revised IPPC dispute settlement system of the IPPC established by the CMP based on the new text ". Although the conclusions of the IPPC are not binding, "the parties to the dispute may request the Director General of FAO to appoint a committee of experts to review the situation and recommend intervention measures" after a report IPPC.
The European Community acceded to the IPPC in July 2004 based on the principle, enshrined in Article 15 of the revised IPPC, that decisions of the IPPC were not legally binding.
EC treaty Summary of "International Plant Protection Convention - New revised text approved by Resolution folding cartons 12/97 of the 29th Session of the FAO Conference in November 1997 - Declaration", November 7, 2011
The launch of consultations between the European and South African authorities would benefit from being formalized and the framework and scope of the consultations may also be more clearly defined.
Some form of independent arbitration seems sensible, since a fundamental disagreement exists as to the fact that imports of fruit or do not constitute a vector of disease transmission black spots.
As recognized by the EU delegate, the black spot disease has been a point of discussion "in the agenda between the EU and South Africa since the creation of the single EU market in 1992 ". In 2011 and 2012, with 39 interceptions and 32 respectively, there was no case of contamination of citrus orchards EU. This raises the question: What recent developments therefore justified to lower the threshold to five interception, conduct

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Mandatory for public and frequently used in private markets markets, CCTP (specific technical speci

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Mandatory for public and frequently used in private markets markets, CCTP (specific technical specifications clauses) describe the services to be provided during the creation or renovation of a building, felixxx agraxxx indicating the expected standards, work to make the products to implement. Moreover, they are the only documents involved felixxx agraxxx throughout the construction and lifetime of a building.
Written by project managers (architects, BET, Economists) that operate to choose from, the database they have built up over time, base pay data, information found on the Internet (100,000 hits per month Google) or the information provided by manufacturers, CCTP often suffer from a lack of uniformity, accuracy, felixxx agraxxx clarity and updating (both on the validity of manufacturers' catalogs felixxx agraxxx on the standards ...).
Latest News 14.03 fee paritarism branch 2014 rate survey and modified collector! 12.03 Kick off the 19th edition of the Living Trophies! 12.03 International Competition for the Museum Park Budapest 07.03 Search for new instructors qualifications OPQIBI 07.03 Questionnaire materials and equipment construction facing unfair competition from counterfeit products (1) 28.02 TRIBUTE TO JEAN CAUSSE

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I made a house (5 rooms) in 1990 called passive: block walls 15 cm isolated from the outside (wood

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Regulations and rules of the art relating to the energy performance of buildings remain model boy richie a priority to ensure the objectives of the energy transition. In contrast, the concomitant respect these rules with other rules, some performantielles inadequately, such as earthquake, fire or accessibility, model boy richie sometimes leads to restrict our ability to technical model boy richie solutions and / or significantly increase the economic cost of the solutions adopted. Your experience feedback on cases of significant figures could usefully inform our thinking. I invite you to share with us by answering me simply by email or leaving a comment to this article.
* Accompanying professional "Rule of Art 2012 Grenelle Environnement" program. This program is an application of the Grenelle model boy richie Environment. It aims to review all rules of construction to achieve energy savings in buildings and reduce the emission model boy richie of greenhouse model boy richie gas emissions
I made a house (5 rooms) in 1990 called passive: block walls 15 cm isolated from the outside (wood siding finish). Nowadays, how to meet seismic model boy richie regulations that requires reinforcement at corners and partition walls occupying a minimum of 20/20 cm? Before you write, I might have had to ask the structural engineer ...
Latest News 14.03 fee paritarism branch 2014 rate survey and modified collector! 12.03 Kick off the 19th edition of the Living Trophies! 12.03 International Competition for the Museum Park Budapest 07.03 Search for new instructors qualifications OPQIBI 07.03 Questionnaire materials and equipment construction facing unfair competition from counterfeit products (1) 28.02 TRIBUTE TO JEAN CAUSSE

Monday, March 17, 2014

The seminar was organized by the Fund for the Standards and Trade Development Facility (partnership

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NOTE: THIS ARTICLE is to help the public better wall guard understand the issues addressed at the WTO. while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy wall guard of the information contained therein, the article does not prejudice the provisions of Member Governments.
TO LEARN MORE about the "three sisters" SPS - international standards bodies:> Codex Alimentarius> World Organisation for Animal Health> International Convention wall guard for the Protection of Plant
The rules in the Agreement wall guard on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), used to avoid trade measures relating to the safety of food products, animal health and plant health, wall guard serve excuse for protectionism - that is to say, to preserve the producers of import competition rather than protect health or the environment. That is why, under the SPS Agreement, measures wall guard must be based on scientific risk analysis or recognized international standards. These disciplines can be applied to fight against the spread of animal and plant destructive, depending on what was said at the Seminar on International Trade and invasive alien species.
Among the recommendations in a paper presented at the seminar a claim to the WTO ruling that the problem is addressed more specifically and the role of the WTO is better defined.
The seminar was organized by the Fund for the Standards and Trade Development Facility (partnership involving various international organizations and to assist developing countries in implementing international standards in the areas of food safety products, animal health and plant health) and two of the three standard-setting organizations recognized in the SPS Agreement, wall guard namely, the International Convention for the Protection Convention (IPPC) and the World Organisation for Animal Health wall guard (OIE). wall guard (The third, Codex Alimentarius, deals with the safety of food products.)
"Exotic" species are species introduced wall guard into new habitats and are called wall guard "invasive" if their development is a threat to biodiversity, namely for agricultural and domestic species as that for wild fauna and flora. Threats include competition for access to food, the spread of disease and the spread of predators. Species that are in equilibrium in a given environment can become invasive if introduced to another habitat.
Trade is a means (or "pathway") important introduction of exotic species into new habitats. This includes direct trade of the actual species - livestock, crops, pets or ornamental plants, introduced predators to fight against pests - or unintentional dissemination through shipments.
Speakers and presenters described how the problem is tackled in their country or region. Representatives of the private sector, which is sometimes wall guard regarded as one of the culprits of the spread of alien species, also indicated how their industries can help solve the problem.
The speakers were officials, scient

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The South African doboz position doboz is very clearly explained in an international response to th

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WTO agreement EPA ALE - EU FTAs ACP - ACP regional trade Market access SPS / Food safety Product differentiation CAP reform Biofuels Climate change Aid for trade Other Commodities
Procedures for the settlement of disputes pose serious problems for exporters of South African citrus November 17, 2013 An interview with Justin Chadwick, CEO of the Citrus Growers Association of Southern Africa
Q: In September 2013, following consultation with stakeholders in the citrus industry, the decision was taken in South Africa to reduce citrus exports from areas where the disease of citrus black spot (CBS) had detected. What economic impact this should have on the South African citrus industry?
Some 40 000 tonnes of oranges will now have to be diverted to non-EU alternative markets. Since the price of oranges in the EU were very good at the time of the decision to restrict exports, there will undoubtedly losses due to lower prices on alternative markets. It is not known what level of losses.
Q: For many years, the CGA is reserved on the scientific bases inducing tighter European controls CBS - could you explain the scientific basis of these reserves?
The South African doboz position doboz is very clearly explained in an international response to the health doboz risk assessment of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The answer is available on the Web Site Citrus Research doboz International, Market Access tab.
In essence, the South African doboz position is that the fruit is not a vector of disease transmission and the climatic conditions in the EU are not favorable to the establishment of the black spot disease.
Until this year, only recognized as pest free areas (PFA) could export citrus doboz to the United States, making, in fact, the U.S. more restrictive requirements. With the advent of CBS in Florida, that has changed - Uruguay gaining access to the United States. doboz
Broadly, the Directive 2000/29/EC of the EU has established four ways to access doboz the EU countries infected by CBS. Countries doboz recognized as free from pests and pest free areas are two of these. The third is that there has been no CBS in orchards doboz since the last harvest. The fourth, which is used by South Africa outside the PFA is that the orchard has received a suitable carrier and no symptoms of CBS fruit processing has been harvested in the orchard.
Q: The European Commission has emphasized the benefits of harmonization of standards doboz for third countries, what kind would you like harmonization between U.S. and European standards for materials control CBS?
I do not believe that the standards can be harmonized. Currently, South Africa has access to the United doboz States since the free areas CBS. South Africa has requested access to the rest of the country on an equivalent doboz basis to domestic doboz regulations. Uruguay has access on that basis, and there is no reason to think that South Africa will not get access to the same base.
Q: South Africa took the case of its dispute with the EU on CBS with the International Convention for the Protection Convention doboz (IPPC). What do you process the IPPC?
We were terribly frustrated with the process of the IPPC. South Africa submitted its first formal request for the dispute to be considered by the IPPC Secretariat in 2010. For two years, they did nothing. During this period, the EU has stepped up its measures doboz until almost closing its market. It is only when we received a letter in October 2012 - a threatening action following five interceptions - the IPPC Secretariat ended by calling for a consultation.
To move towards doboz the creation of an expert group under the rules of the IPPC, both parties must agree. The EU did not want to create a group of experts at the consultation doboz which took place in February 2013. Instead, they are committed to a health risk assessment (almost twenty years after their action has taken effect). The South African doboz Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries agreed to wait until the risk assessment san

Saturday, March 15, 2014

TO LEARN MORE about the

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NOTE: THIS ARTICLE door knob protector is to help the public better understand the issues addressed at the WTO. while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained door knob protector therein, the article does not prejudice the provisions of Member Governments.
TO LEARN MORE about the "three sisters" SPS - international standards bodies:> Codex Alimentarius> World Organisation for Animal Health> International Convention for the Protection of Plant
Met as the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), which deals with the safety of food, animal health and plant health, the WTO Members have discussed some of the most recent these notifications, and other specific business problems. This is a routine task of the Committee is responsible for determining whether member governments meet well the requirements of the SPS Agreement.
Among the issues covered were the measures adopted or envisaged concerning honey containing pollen from genetically modified crops, residues of cadmium in cocoa and chocolate, avian influenza, mad cow, ractopamine (food additive used to produce a lean meat) and "new" foods.
Members paid tribute to China for her efforts to fulfill its obligations SPS measures, but noted with concern that some information was not yet available, some measures did not follow international standards and had no scientific basis and that certain procedures took too long. These remarks were made under the final examination of how China has acted since its accession to the WTO in 2001, under the "Transitional Review Mechanism" covering a wide range of subjects and under Agreement on the Accession of China. This mechanized provided annual reviews during the first eight years and a further review after ten years.
Members also continued their consultations on improvements to procedures to allow the President to help find solutions to the problems raised by Members at the measures taken by other, following further work agreed upon the third review of the implementation of the Agreement, as well as private and commercial standards. Finally, Members discussed the role of organizations with observer status and mode of selection against the increasing number of applications to this status.
Much, but not all, of the specific issues discussed during the meeting were the result of information on their SPS measures that Member governments were notified through the WTO.
It was reported to the Committee at the end of September this year, 10,366 ordinary or emergency measures had been reported door knob protector since 1 January 1995, the date of creation of the WTO, excluding 2980 additions , modifications or amendments to existing notifications.
Members also provide information on translations of notified measures door knob protector available in the languages of the WTO and, more recently, on the recognition of SPS measures of others as equivalent to their own.
Overall, the volume of notifications was up. In the last update of the report of the Secretariat of the WTO notifications (G/SPS/GEN/804/Rev.4) door knob protector it is reported that the highest number of notifications recorded in a single year to date (1 436) has been in 2010.
Since 1995, the United States showed that more than

Friday, March 14, 2014

A number of questions were asked about the new law of the United States on food safety, as well as

Home | About WTO | News & events | Trade topics | WTO Members | Documents & resources | external relations
NOTE: THIS ARTICLE is to help the public better understand the issues addressed at the WTO. while every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained therein, the article does not prejudice the provisions of Member Governments.
TO LEARN MORE about the "three sisters" SPS - international standards bodies:> Codex Alimentarius> World Organisation for Animal Health> International Convention for the Protection of Plant
Also in the framework of the Committee, Japan urged Members not to overreact to radiation leakage occurred at one of its nuclear power plants following the recent earthquake and tsunami.
Members continued to comment on their SPS measures - which is part of the essential function of supervision by the Committee of how the SPS Agreement is implemented - the recurring questions focused on points whether certain measures were based on scientific principles and international standards and if they were for larger areas with the only real risk areas.
A number of questions were asked about the new law of the United States on food safety, as well as on issues that had been discussed previously, such as mad cow disease, bird flu and ractopamine residues produced henkelmann deluxe which reduces the fat content of pork and is banned in some countries and not in others.
Members continued to discuss the best way to establish henkelmann deluxe a system that would encourage greater use of services of the President as a mediator to resolve some of their differences.
A new system for notifications SPS (SPS-NSS) has also been put online just before the meeting. It allows Members to enter notifications online in the WTO system, which is part of ongoing henkelmann deluxe efforts to improve the exchange of information between Members and reinforces the supervisory role of the Committee.
The five measures that were approved concerning the definition of private standards, information exchange and cooperation between the SPS Committee of the WTO and other organizations. Other actions still under consideration relate mainly to the work could be pursued in the WTO, such as the development of guidelines and codes of conduct and clarifying the legal obligations of governments under the SPS - Members' views still differ on these points.
30 Members concerned (including the EU account henkelmann deluxe for one member) were those who had responded to a questionnaire henkelmann deluxe distributed in July 2008 the questionnaire inviting them to submit proposals on what the SPS Committee could do in this area. They then formed a Special Working Group which met seven times between October 2008 and October 2010.
Among the issues raised by some Members about private standards on food safety and animal health and plant face the following products: private standards are not always based on science, they s' deviate from international standards or official government requirements (eg as regards maximum residue limits), there are many and they are not harmonized; compliance and obtaining certification of products high costs for providers, especially given the large number of standards are established without transparency, consultation or referral systems, they prescribe the

Thursday, March 13, 2014

This program aims phytosanitary compliance sawyers, manufacturers and repairers of wooden and all u

Food and IAA Budget - Public support Agricultural Education Environment Europe and International Operations Agricultural Forest - Wood Observatories and statistics Economic Forecasting Organization - Evaluation Social Protection - Work - Job Search - Health Development and Protection of Animals Health and Plant Protection Life in Rural ARCHIVE . Environment heka
Home> Professionals> Health and Plant Protection> Plant Health> Surveillance trade> compliance program, a response to the problem of packaging (...)
The wood packaging materials constitute the introduction and spread of organisms harmful to plants sectors, such as the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus or Asian longhorn beetle Anoplophora glabripennis.
Reduce the spread of pests during transport of these packages, imposing treatment International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15 (ISPM 15) on the regulation of packaging materials based on wood objective ( heat or fumigation with methyl bromide) which gives rise to a marking of packaging. This standard was revised in 2009 by introducing new requirements such as debarking and new forms of practice such as new models of marking.
The Contracting IPPC countries can apply phytosanitary import requirements of this standard. In this case, the national organizations of Plant Protection (NPPO) of the countries that export to countries applying the standard must implement a monitoring compliance of wood packaging intended for them. Therefore, to allow French companies continue to export their products to countries that have implemented the requirements of ISPM No. 15 revised the French plant protection organization implements a phytosanitary compliance program ISPM 15 wood packaging products in France for export. Requirements for export packaging material ISPM 15 are specified in the National Order of 24 August 2010.
This program aims phytosanitary compliance sawyers, manufacturers and repairers of wooden and all undertakings treating these packages in compliance with ISPM 15 and Decree heka of 24 August 2010. This program lists the administrative requirements such as marking and traceability, technical requirements such as heat treatment (56 C for 30 minutes in the wood core). Fumigation with methyl bromide was removed from the program, this gas being banned from use since March 18, 2010 in the European Union.
The (...) consists of the following requirements: - the IPPC symbol (...) shall be placed to the left of other elements - the ISO country code in two letters from France (FR) to be separated from code-producteur/fournisseur treatment by a hyphen - the code-producteur/fournisseur treatment which consists of ISO code two or three letters heka of the administrative region (ZZ) separated by a hyphen registration number only five digits (00000 in the models below) assigned by the regional departments responsible for plant protection company authorized within the meaning of Article 3 of this Order - the treatment code (YY) using the appropriate abbreviation (HT for heat treatment (...)) that should appear on a separate line in the country code and code-producteur/fournisseur treatment or be separated by a hyphen if it is on the same line as the other codes. (...) The mark must be: - readable - indelible and non-transferable - placed in a visible location when the package is used (...)
Updated 10/03/2011 Fundamental National Decree of 24 August 2010 relating to the mark on wood packaging for export (PDF - 89.2 kb) brand ISPM 15: Guidelines for regulating packaging materials wood-based international trade - February heka 2010 (PDF - 172.6 kb) Phytosanitary compliance of wood packaging for export published heka in BO # 45 MAAPRAT 12/11/2010 (PDF - 150.5 kb) phytosanitary heka requirements of packaging depending on the country of destination timber - 29/11/2013 (PDF - 147 KB) The list of companies participating in the compliance program in each region is available from DRAAF / SRAL of the region concerned.
Health and Plant Protection Plant Health Surveillance planning Monitor trade The