Saturday, June 28, 2014

M (eshulam) stole church

Once seblagiot sat before God Temple apagoncajas and nasituval hungry people with his cute learning. Multitude of people had gathered around him (John 8:2). Lord of the people he spoke of eternal joy, eternal joy of the righteous into eternal homeland of heaven. And people are relished by divine letters. As snow under the bright rays of the sun disappeared grief of people very angry and evil ozlobeni many hearts.
Who knows how long it would take a miraculous vision of peace and love between heaven and earth, if there was something unexpected happened. Philanthropic Messiah apagoncajas never zamoruval to teach people and pious people never feel tired of listening to the miraculous healing apagoncajas and wisdom.
What did they? Surely they had captured the flagship company robbers? Nothing like that. They forcefully led an unhappy, sinful woman "caught in preljubodejstvo"; for leading the torzhestveno samofalenje harsh and deafening screams.
Once you have set before Christ, they cried out, "Teacher! This woman was caught in adultery, in the Law Moses commanded us to kill those stones. You as you say? "(John 8:5-4; Left. 20, II. 22:22). You say?
Thus the works were represented greshnicata izoblichitelite others' sins and specialists in concealing their own wounds. Frightened people pulled away, making their way to their elders. apagoncajas Some fled out of fear, because God spoke of life and joy, and they screamer apagoncajas cried murder.
It would be to the point to ask ourselves why these elders and guardians of the law alone does not kill stone woman-sinner? Why brought before Jesus? The law of Moses gave the law (Lev. 20:10). No one objected. Now, in our time, when I vostanal against the death penalty is carried over an offender? Why Jewish elders led this woman sinner before God? Not to get him relief from his sentence apagoncajas or pardon. In no case, therefore. Tipping, meeting a previously Hades purposeful plan to catch the Lord in a word, contrary to law, to accuse him well. With a flick like to kill two people - a woman and offenders and to Christ. "You will say?" Why ask, when the law of Moses is clear? apagoncajas
Evangelist explains their intentions with the following words: "We said to him iskushaat and accuse him." (John 8:6). Many times they have put hands on him, so killed him with stones to kill him, but he avoided their malice. But now found a suitable case to fulfill their desire. And right here, before Solomon's Temple, which kept the tables of the law in the ark; Right here, before the great assembly of people (John 8:2), He, Christ, was obliged to declare against the law of Moses, and then their goal would be achieved. They would have killed him with stones and Christ, and woman-sinner. apagoncajas Even with greater zeal would have killed him with stones, than her as before then pousrdno begged apagoncajas Pilate to release Barabbas rather than Christ.
All attendees expected result one of two: either God in His mercy to release greshnicata, and thus violate the law, or to confirm the law, saying, "Do as written in the Law," and thereby disrupt his command for forgiveness and mercy. In the first case would be sentenced to death, and the second would be left to ridicule and insult.
When iskushuvachite posed the question: "you say?" Dead silence occurred. Silence among the crowd. Silence among the judges of the fallen woman. Quiet with breath creeping into the soul of a woman-sinner. Great tactics to silence large circuses in which the beasts skrotuvachite introduce skrotenite lions and tigers and commanded by his desire to make a variety of movements, postures and tricks. But before us is tamer of beasts, but tamer of men, a responsibility that is significantly more difficult than the first. Because, often, to tame the raging of sin is harder than to tame the wild nature.
"You apagoncajas say?" Against him continued to perform distorted apagoncajas faces, burning of malice. Then the legislator of morality and human behavior are flooding the country, aligned with palm Dust "written apagoncajas with the finger of land" (John 8:6).
What God has written the rights? Evangelist premolchal it and wrote. It was too disgusting and dirty to be inscribed in the Book of Joy. But it was that scary, remained in Tradition. God did something unexpected and devastating for elders, prosecutors woman-sinner. With a finger on the earth He revealed their secret iniquities because they alien hunters sins were experienced in concealing their (sins). But in vain to hide whatever it was out of sight of the One who sees everything.
M (eshulam) stole church

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