Sunday, February 1, 2015

So, seeing these days three wayward members of the PSC, Marina Geli, Nuria Ventura and Joan Ignasi

Facing the wall | Esther Giménez-Salinas i Colomer
In the last three decades things have changed in many areas, but if there is one area in which progress rails rake has been made truly important was the education. Although we still have 119,000 illiterates in Catalonia over 16 years, the rate of school children in the second year of kindergarten (between three and five years) is almost 100%. Despite the difficulties of recent times due to the cuts, the threat of Lomce, lights and shadows on the quality and other problems, there is no doubt that access to education on equal terms is a established right. Similarly, we can see that the change of political system or educational immersion meant the implementation of a very successful model itself. The same could be said of education in the family sphere, in which "the corner thinking" has replaced the "dark room" and also -I, or would creure- the prohibition on the exercise of violence children, including CLEC, is respected by the majority of the population. rails rake Certainly domestic violence is a plague rails rake that continues to exist, but these are isolated incidents.
As part of these changes I want to highlight the evolution of punishment as a pedagogical tool. Because those days are far straight out of the novel Oliver Twist, but I got to meet a girl who had escaped from a home where his father had tied him to a tree and cut the hair zero with pruning shears, which caused him to cut the entire scalp. Leakage of children in institutions, some corporal punishment or "refrigerator", which was closed in punishment cell where the children were part of a relatively common practice in so-called "child protection institutions" in our country .
But the so-called "punishment" which is just a good example of what should never be done, thankfully no longer practiced in schools. I have always believed that the punishment is a demonstration of authority who imposed rails rake a teaching tool for educational or the recipient.
So, seeing these days three wayward members of the PSC, Marina Geli, Nuria Ventura and Joan Ignasi Elena, cornered in the last rows of Parliament, I had the feeling that they had been facing the wall. They are after all with the clear intention that they had received retaliation visualized. It had all the ingredients of an exemplary punishment.
More than once I've expressed that very little punishment. Sometimes we must accept its existence, especially rails rake if there is a real deterrent effect. This is the case, for example, the prohibition of driving having consumed alcohol. But most of the time it reaches the proposed objective.
I apologize because my criminal mentality, but also we have to ask whether the sanction imposed rails rake was just three deputies and proportionate to the gravity rails rake of the facts, and if they wanted to achieve with this sanction accused of repentance . At the same time, the penalty should serve as a lesson for the future in the rest of the party members to refrain from committing such actions. I doubt that the three deputies involved showing the slightest sign of repentance, rails rake but it is also far from legitimate retaliation, many of us consider it unfair and we have clearly spoken rails rake in defense of those affected. Thus what has been achieved has been riveting the key and further weaken the PSC. And things can always get worse ...
I understand all the arguments these days have been said by active and passive group on discipline, sense of belonging, the need to maintain rails rake order, respect for agreements, etc. Unfortunately, there comes a day when one is aware that there are certain easements that the mere fact of belonging to an institution, a job, a family or a religion, limit our freedom. You can not always act or express ourselves with the independence we wanted because we owe it to certain commitments. But fortunately we also know that sometimes we can break the rules and that the opportunity of the moment can be as important as the deeper reason.
Today defended the referendum, rails rake the highest expression of the right to decide, rails rake is an issue that goes beyond a simple policy rails rake option. rails rake Nothing and no one should be able to prevent us pronunciéssim freely on this issue.
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