Sunday, December 29, 2013

look. dare to enter the Serbian prime that you will eat a whopping good that you remember for 5 min

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These images were broadcast on TV just to free zone Arjan Cani.
pmusaraj - 21 January 2011 - 22:05 Permalink
Stray bullets are not plastic bullets, bullets that are being lost direction or in free fall. However, it is still murder, real bullets were used against the people. A state animal literally, filled with ignorant, enslaved by slave willingly and highwayman. In front is a noble but attacking people by any means possible savagely, and betrayed fefco 0201 in the most consistently unfaithful possible. A People Betrayed, LEFT TO EVEN FROM MUD called after opposition rally, it will react peacefully to this inhuman KAFSHERIE THAT THEY KILLED HIMSELF THAT THIS opposition rally called.
Are being used. Plastic bullets do not kill, do not have pervasive force. fefco 0201 I explained what a stray bullet, and explained that even if such bullet fefco 0201 that killed the deceased, responsibility is the beast again state that has used real pumba. Wherever that it captured the state is responsible. A killer state.
I suggest you to all of you without exception we see news footage and from there 24 will receive the answer to this macabre killings and the guide pastej come here, killing fefco 0201 viktimave.qeveri condolences to the families of government thieves
Rahm paste!
What should be in '91 fefco 0201 because that would have made widow fate of that country and the people .... debris cleaned fefco 0201 up and not allowed to occupy the spirit ..... "better a terrible fefco 0201 end than horror without fefco 0201 end ..."
2) What should happen that a prime minister to give dorheqje all say the wolf has sala with clapper Illyrian traces PALLEN thon here, with the sala overlook cfytyr will mean that victims of or opposition Edi Rama varau when the youtube video shows, or it is not even dance montage?
Art thou mad
and what that can be killed for less? Does that justify? demek you're saying fefco 0201 cock mo man hanged himself that motherfucker?? this you say? yes it could be your brother or brother fefco 0201 may be someone else hear that anyone has yet, this means that it may still be your brother.
state were burning man. every cop who is under the stones and Molotov spree is in danger. when protests turned violent, only to remain violent. those that have come to peaceful protest must distance themselves.
You should be writing, because the rest of the pack train is off the rails of logic and morality, the wagons are distributed to 100 klm distance from a tj .. that is physically impossible .. it also means ... To understand more easily fefco 0201 ... this means that you have slipped by as much as brains have broken the laws of physics.
dejo not put things up to the white house mbrockulla.pastaj here do not talk about those potato fefco 0201 chips kill you seen giving out any decorations minister say they have done heroic work??!!
Dejoni - 21 January 2011 - 22:28 Permalink
Never. Is degeneration and lack of professionalism. Police maintains silence and preserves state institutions, fefco 0201 but has no right to shoot at protesters. There are other means, and if these means fail, shooting justified not on people, but the collapse of institutions. State institutions are there for citizens, at any time, without any exception, the citizens once they are killed in the name of preserving these institutions, then institutions were not good at all.
Since the unprepared police it was not discussed. Biles was ordered not to take measures so that labeled as victims in cases of violence. This for political reasons, sdiskutohet. But however, when the work was done shit, and crowd threatens to take life for me have the right to protect their lives and institutions. Undoubtedly this was a spectator was killed and looks as if it is shot with sniper should be held responsible.
dejo 98 where have you been bro? a bunch of unwashed and with a casket went inside the Prime Minister and other ministries and how many people were killed? ok heres another slap against air and tossed hand grenades launchers better than embrojme others for wool are going aman yourself Salen us do not find anything
look. dare to enter the Serbian prime that you will eat a whopping good that you remember for 5 minutes you will remember zesh and safe after 5 min to kill. 3 victims seem childish pun. Clearly, the guard has a single task: to not allow people to enter the prime minister. NO to protect citizens. villagers citizen defends herself fefco 0201 by not thu door of the Prime Minister of the railings
Dejon answer this question and you're not certain childish? Hporren to thom I barely executives of those institutions who made the hateful institution for protecting sorollopin popullin.Bashke with evil on people ....
is that where a policeman filming knee as he could with rubber shkom Fatmir fefco 0201 Xhafa SP deputtit goose do? He had brought b

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