Monday, December 30, 2013

Labour Party of Albania won the 31 March 1991, the first elections after the fall of the dictatoria

June 12, 1991, Congress APL born SP | Journal Web
Socialists celebrate the 20th anniversary of their party. They consider 12 June 1991 as the day of establishment, amp rack case even though the party was declared as such in the tenth congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, the party that had ruled Albania over 45 years in a one-party dictatorship.
Labour Party of Albania won the 31 March 1991, the first elections after the fall of the dictatorial system. First Secretary of the PLA, Alia resigned from this post after being elected president of the country amp rack case after the March 31 elections. In this situation it was necessary for deep reform of the PLA to proceed further in the new conditions of political pluralism. Below published amp rack case excerpts from the book "Survivors" of Luljeta Progni, to convert reminder developments that accompanied the transformation of the PLA in SP, in the spring of 1991.
Despite the unclear situation where the Labor Party in the early 90s, were laid three possible options amp rack case for the future. The first and that was dominant then, was the idea that this party, amp rack case so APL, with deep roots and a solid, be able to cope with the situation. The second idea was that, due to developments '89-91 years, the party needed to change. But these changes are perceived more as slightly correction of the existing situation, the maximum there to go up to the replacement of some leadership figures. The third, which came as a less viable option, noting that the problem theoretically, APL as any social phenomenon arises, develops and completes the mission and that perhaps the time had come to consider this party to perform its mission. This would pave the way to the creation of a whole new political force, without influence from the previous leadership.
It was hard, that these ideas were shared between APL organizational structures, amp rack case but most of the leadership structure, especially at high levels, at the time was the political bureau and toward the first option. From this group are exempt certain individuals, amp rack case which also went Alia. They found that PLA is coming to an end and saw the change to the second idea, so to some minor changes in the context of retouching, an adaptation of this political force with the new reality. At other levels, including membership, or even to some individuals in the CC, there were more advanced ideas that can be summarized in the words found another solution, get out of this existing strength, to create another force political.
The question was, what land will be occupied bust of Enver Hoxha in the hall. Had thought for two categories of delegates, they still had to figure heart of Enver Hoxha, which can be ignored and those who do not like me. Before Congress assembled, Alia had thought the solution together with the working group. Not set bust as determined in previous congresses, the presidium, but was found a bas-relief amp rack case and settled in the hall exit. Everything had to do with maintaining cohesion amp rack case within the party. Politburo members were prepared amp rack case that in one session of Congress to hear criticism of the image of their leader, from whom still require rescue. At the Politburo meeting, one of the highest youth leadership forums APL, Moikom Zeqo, who was selected at that time chairman of the committee of culture and arts, sharply attacking figure amp rack case of Enver Hoxha. This Zeqo critics, was made known to the Politburo meeting on 13 April. Maqo Lakrori shows that the critical element that Zeqo Mojkom stated at the meeting, was included in the new political program of APL, which was drafted by a group of intellectuals in which they also Maqo Lakrori, even Moikom Zeqo. Indeed the latter denies it. Even the SPA program, developed at the conference, which begins with Marx's theory, rejects the statement of the pie. Moikom Zeqo proposed removal of the SPA program Marxism-Leninism of the term and its replacement with European ideals of democratic socialism, which had not figured amp rack case nothing about Marx.
"Moikom Zeqo was critical of Enver and this figure had already stated at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the April 13, in which it was decided to compile a program and another party. I can not say that made critical Enver, or something else. I had made proposals for change was essential and critical element in the core of the platform that I designed. amp rack case "
The report prepared by the working groups, regularly monitored by Ramiz Alia, was read in Congress by the Secretary of the Central Committee, also first secretary of the Party Committee of Tirana, amp rack case Dzelil John. The report reflected errors in the way of APL, but held the position for the figure of Enver Hoxha. Ibid praises figure thureshin

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