Thursday, December 26, 2013

If mebetet will face the worst and t

Berisha: Rama Burrrrrrrë as no land, see how the former treats women | Journal Web
"Burrrrrrë no land like this! Painter fuck, one, his former wife, Mrs.. Delina Fico, makes the current minister husband (Bledi Çuçi), while ex-wife next to him, Mrs.. Magician, in an act of wanton white cardboard boxes hatred, snatches properties has regular original documents from her grandfather known by canceled for this purpose white cardboard boxes and a DCM. Love and hate! Alexander Dymas at first, then the French and all the world say this: Cherchez la femme!
SP: "Cherchez la femme" ad literam translates white cardboard boxes "looking woman" but here it is not about romantic relationships but to conduct unprecedented pakarakter or a husband or nonsense for reasons related to a woman, "says Berisha on FB. / p
Anila ..., do not understand the journalist Mero! Only this ballcamosur face, acne Serbian ... Mero why you are yshqen white cardboard boxes Serbian palo with oxygens this? Sales face is dirty ... your internet and newspaper, and how long will this face look dirty!? ....
CIMI Aloooo am ... Dr. Yes, yes, but you are doing as bad women!! Aloooo CIMI was ... Dr.
This man is structurally built crooked and do not expect that to change. He was taken will continue to deal with the privacy of his kundeshtareve, no idea and this is the best way to vent his outbursts primitive white cardboard boxes and stupid. Thanks, O God, do not know s'çben!
O Remove hand car. Remove hand from carlliqet that let nam. How you made them stinking. How pimple filled with pus that will wring. Are you jealous that Rama knows that the desolation p ... While you have only one life to life first, then leave ugly products then your sex life!
uaaaa is papame whoa this is groaning with local
Oh that this zgerlan has no friend, no friend. We actually never had, that if he had to do, he would not allow the flsiste so. This is not the man Alas, this is simply a male. male who offends people with nane of the babe .... Yesterday (not only Malsori) Albanian every kill for this. Close the mouth this beast. hated seeking beings for Albania, the premises of hundreds of graves in Donegal
o Tropojë're right, this man has no friends to advise you that the word really is silver but silence is gold ... and this has sat well below yourself, below zero ... to scratch has been ..
How is it possible that not even one of the commentators do not know this, categorically exclude Shiqere pimp Sali Ram Berisha, a miserable ignorant of fluff unprecedented. Read several times that the foulness wrote this has no connection at all with the classic sense of the expression "" Cherchez la femme ".
I take this occasion to be more accurate: If you think you Shiqere Sali Ram Berisha has the right: to have you join the Malltezi to prosecute offending condemnable by all codes of western countries (anti homosexuality - homofabia) because the expression is made The famously and is used for the first time by Cardinal Richelieu - Cardinal Richelieu elevated synonymous Masculinity in Leitmotive core of medieval living together, against the female sex, which - according to this theory - all bad came from women! If you also consider Edi Rama "female" then terror-offense is prosecuted. But Sinan Hibro, carefully reading the image posting Shiqere Sali Ram Berisha is very clear that he not only does not know the history of French culture but uses this expression as he defines himself "looking women" translated word for word from the French language.
How Tupe, who always remains miserable, in thy justifications to turpeshme.Tropojanet are noble people, and men, while you still have your Anadollak.Urrejtja remained, for almost 20 years only invective, insults, the book house, we have not heard nearly 20 years in your political career to make peace with your friends, with your kunershtaret, with partners white cardboard boxes who advise us, and we think Mr. Berisha ndihmojne.A a day when your niprit will increase, and will understand, of life, will to thone.Keshtu Our grandfather was, what a shame.
ndyejne is not to tolerate this filth Haklaj hands or not, this death will come half of half, as the first will leave the mouth, then paralyzed, then ask to speak, but this possibility will not be be sentenced only to hear others. Mortjen but will ask for Mort has also crippled them has forgotten to remain until the last day of life.
Ardian - October 2, 2013 at 6:40 pm
sali or tajjjjjjj no psychiatrist to assume these 23 years is a good psychosis batches says former persecuted if they had shown him that the viewer of your card will be wiped halal benim a pavilion with five stars, come hajdar that you come or flagship ..
If mebetet will face the worst and t

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