Friday, November 15, 2013

- These steps are designed to ensure take control of the world

- On 14 June 1995 was customary calm exclusive Swiss resort of Burgenstock disturbed by the arrival of the fleet of low-flying helicopters. On board was located a hundred richest and most powerful politicians, industrialists, financiers, academics, members of royal families, national leaders and media moguls.
- On the ground, meanwhile, in the small village swarmed Swiss Army, police and members of the intelligence. cvja The few remaining guests in three luxurious hotel resort Burgenstock got spirited command to leave the Hotel has entered a small private army equipped assault dogs that objects provide. When the military operation is finished, the helicopter received radio instructions to land. Under extraordinary security measures, cvja guests can start their 41 anniversary meeting.
- Delegates who, according to a certain hotel in the Dutch Osterbeeku, cvja which in May 1954 held its first meeting, collectively called the Bilderberg Group, meet once a year. On these exclusive and strictly cvja secret meetings cvja oversee the rich and powerful of the world for creating the New World Order (NWO - New World Order).
- The joint international influence these men and women reportedly too overthrowing the government, causing wars and choose world leaders. People forming the handle operates a network of shadow organizations that plan the destruction of Western democracy. Instead, they apparently intend to establish an authoritarian regime, in which the minority benefits at the expense of the majority.
- The focus of the plan is a gradual disempowerment of elected governments. Key policy issues are subtly cvja moved into the hands of unelected supranational bodies that are already controlled by the Bilderberg Group.
- These steps are designed to ensure take control of the world's stocks of raw materials, wealth cvja and production, which will oversee the global army to suppress any nation that opposes. Observers who claims to have found a NWO, citing cvja as an example cvja platforms that ensure the realization of these secret plans, already visible organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU).
- Select cvja and "processing" of key political figures and control individual elements of the international media can NWO ensure that world trade will be conducted under its rules. Methods "public relations" and media manipulation to convince the population that unemployment, lower wages, longer working hours, less job security and poor public services are essential for competitiveness and reducing inflation.
- It is reported that the States are artificially kept in poverty, in order to cripple their industrial performance and business relations. To destabilize the country, which could pose a threat to the world economy, are starting a war and conflicts and leads to the introduction of restrictive tax and employment laws and wage structure to ensure the maintenance of international balance of power firmly in favor of the NWO elite.
To ensure victory in the war in the Persian Gulf nations around the world have joined forces to create a unified military front. Observers say that the creation of an international "police force" - which President George Bush called on the eve of the conflict as a "new cvja world order" - for the political interests of the West. Since the control of military equipment in the world lies in the hands of a few selected individuals, it can be used against states that do not adjust policy of the West.
- On 6 May 1975 published journalist C. Gordon Tether in "Lombard" cvja column to the Financial Times, a critical report on the Bilderberg group. In the Tether said that "unless the Bilderberg Group conspiracy, then it behaves in a way that is faithful cvja to its imitation." Tether employers subsequently ordered him to take on this alleged group never mentioned. A year later, the Tether after a protracted dispute with the publishers of censorship released. Other journalists quickly cvja understand the severity Tetherovy "mistakes" - the Bilderberg group meetings is also attended by British media idols as Sir William Rees-Mogg, Andrew Knight and Frank Giles. cvja
- The fact that even today, censored newspapers and news, is known more than ever. Journalists, whether on its own initiative or at the behest superiors intentionally left out some important information regarding cvja current events and thus contributing to the targeted disinformation, which aims to promote racial hatred cvja and intolerance toward groups with different opinions, ridicule and discredit and basically manipulate the reader or viewer as to allow standards NWO.
- In addition to permanent "Steering Committee" composed of distinguished "nastolitelů kings" who supposedly are directed to understanding and influential individuals in positions of power, there is no list of members of the Bilderberg Group. Delegates annual meeting are selected on merit. For example, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair attended a meeting in Athens in 1993, where he served as shadow Home Secretary.

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