Friday, September 19, 2014

The squirrel is designed for the trees. There is very little danger in the trees for the squirrel be

In today's chaotic world you can find yourself overwhelmed with change, stuck in a rut, or just tired of the obstacles that stand in your way. Be inspired, motivated, and encouraged to discover how build resiliency and iron focus in order to leverage adversity to reach your potential. I look forward to helping you rise from your weakest point to your strongest self. ~ Jen McDonough (aka The Iron Jen), Motivational casebuilder Storyteller, Engaging Author, and Internet Radio Show Host.
T his is a guest post by Jimmy Burgess . Jimmy is an entrepreneur, speaker, coach, encourager and eternal optimist. He is the author of the book What Just Happened? How to Bounce Back in Life So You Can Do More, Have More, and Be More . He has enjoyed his share of business success. His business success has included founding and building three different companies that have achieved revenues in excess of a million dollars. However, like most people he has faced extreme adversity financially, physically, and relationally along the way. Bouncing back from these adversities led him to write his book What Just Happened. In the book he reveals the seven steps he uncovered that he used and that others have used throughout history to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. To know more about Jimmy, visit his website or follow him on Twitter .
On my way to meet my wife the other morning, I rounded a corner and about a quarter of a mile ahead, I saw a squirrel munching casebuilder on an acorn in the middle of the street. When the squirrel first saw my car, he froze and stared at me. As my car moved in his direction, he panicked. It was like he was overwhelmed by what he should do next. Frozen by indecision. As I got within a few hundred feet of him, he darted left, then he darted right, and just before he got to the safety of the grass he darted back across the street to the left. I don t need to spell it out. You know how this ended. RIP Mr. Squirrel. What was he thinking?
As I looked in my rearview mirror, I thought casebuilder to myself, What was he thinking? Do you ever have those aha moments when you realize that somebody s trying to tell you something? This was one of those moments for me. There have been times in my life that I have been like the squirrel and maybe you have as well. The following lessons will insure that Mr. Squirrel didn t die in vain.
The squirrel was frozen because he couldn t make a decision about which side of the road was best for him. The road for me, at times, has been my desire to have everything perfect before I take action. If we wait to have everything perfect, then we will never do anything. casebuilder
When my wife and I were about to get married, an older gentleman asked me when we were planning to have kids. I told him I wanted to get a certain amount of money saved up, get more secure in my work, and a few other things. He laughed and said, Son, if you wait for everything to be perfect then you won t ever have kids. With that in mind, our first daughter was born eleven months after our wedding day, and we have never regretted the timing!
Because the squirrel waited for things to be perfect, he struggled to make a decision. We almost casebuilder always make bad decisions when we have to make them quickly. casebuilder The squirrel had plenty of time to make a decision and get out of the way. But, when the pressure came and time was short he couldn t make a decision. He darted left, then darted right, and then darted back left, but it was too late. It really didn t matter which side of the road he chose. He just needed to make a decision, because either one meant safety casebuilder in the short run. Even if going left meant he wasn t where the acorns were, he didn t have to stay there. He just had to stay there until the threat passed. His willingness to make a decision would have given him an opportunity to see what was on the left side of the road and know that the best place for him was on the right side of the road.
What decision do you need to quit delaying? How will you truly know which direction you should go unless you start by moving? If the original direction you choose is not what is best for you, then you will have gained that knowledge and you will adjust to your correct direction. Make a decision and take action! The road is no place for a squirrel. casebuilder
The squirrel is designed for the trees. There is very little danger in the trees for the squirrel because he was designed to not only survive in the trees, but to thrive. Most squirrels that live near roads cross them at one time or another. The wise squirrel realizes that he may have to cross the road, but it is not a place to stay. He gets out of the road as quickly as possible. He does whatever it takes to get where he was designed to thrive.
There have been times in my life when I worked and lived in the so-called road. I just didn t belong there. casebuilder It was uncomfortable, casebuilder and I longed to be where I was designed to be. When I finally made a decision to get out o

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