Wednesday, March 18, 2015

In this regard, the prosecutor, said that these 52 cases accounted for the state nothing more than

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The Attorney General's Office, mate Hernan Estrada, stressed that the Waiver of Property recently awarded by the US Government to the State of Nicaragua, is the result of efficient mechanism that has used the Sandinista government to resolve each of the claims property made by US citizens.
Estrada said on this subject, that Nicaragua has an ongoing dialogue with the United States, so that each of the resolved cases is the result of negotiation and based on established procedures.
He said that this waiver is critical to Nicaragua, because not only gives confidence to investors but also ensuring access to financing granting agencies like the World Bank (WB), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Nicaragua in the last year (July 2013 to July 2014) resolved 52 cases of property at 28 US claimants, which for the US is a major advance in relation to all cases which originally had.
In this regard, the prosecutor, said that these 52 cases accounted for the state nothing more than seven million dollars in compensatory value, a very low figure when compared to the presidential period of Violeta Barrios, when the country had to pay up 1 billion dollars to claimants with US citizenship.
We must remember that these claimants were people close to the dictator Somoza, with the triumph of the Sandinista Revolution in 1979 they moved to live in the United States where they asked the nationality of that country. However, with the return of the right to power in 1990, they decided to return to Nicaragua claiming from the US embassy many properties as a result of the revolutionary process had passed into the hands of the state.
In this sense, Estrada said the issue of ownership has been a very difficult aspect, there has been addressed with caution, adherence to the procedures and the way of negotiations, in order not only to benefit the Nicaraguan State but also that Nicaraguan citizen who was threatened their property product claims.
Attorney explained that these claims are being carried out through a mediation and arbitration, which represents an alternative means of dispute resolution agreed with the US and with employers.
"It is a reliable, indubitable, mechanism of an unquestionable security for these 54 claimants who remain and will remain private process by which undergo a frank way, in a transparent way safely through regulations and regulations that are in force, "he said.
In this way a case has been resolved, which is unprecedented from the point of view of private law, giving an example of the tradition of the Nicaraguan government to solve problems through alternative mechanisms.
Estrada stressed that the Waiver is a dispensation which depend many funds that give Nicaragua agencies such as the IDB, the World Bank and IMF for the implementation of social projects and infrastructure necessary for development.
It also noted that every year comes to Nicaragua mission Department of State and the Department of Justice United States to assess progress and efforts made by the government in connection with the claims.
"They consider it important to maintain the dialogue, which we are open to maintain remember products that dialogue, that communication. In fact there is a table of ongoing work between the economic section of the Embassy of the United States with a team from the Attorney General's Office, which evaluates every month and brings to the table all cases (claimants) "said Estrada.
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