Monday, March 2, 2015

And it is because the participation of business, if you will, a committee of this kind could be car

The main issue was how could it be otherwise, the motion of the government groups (CUP Um9-and-via CIU) in favor of Peace and Non-violence for the topic which discussed the participation of former legionnaires or not Holy Week procession in Roquetes. The municipal group of the PSC argued his surprising vote against the motion (side to find a similar position in any socialist grouping around the state in a motion similar) that it was a "trap motion" because Rede concepts klingele papierwerke such as peace and non-violence hiding a kind of independence and anti-Spanish conspiracy that was part of the roadmap klingele papierwerke of the ANC.
But this is not the subject of the present article. The plenary also dealt motions and other matters, among others, presented by a group of municipal PSC bearing the title "To create klingele papierwerke a table of participation to economic development of the municipality." PP and PSC voted. UM9-PA, CiU and ICV-Way voted against. This was, for me, the true motion trap.
The Socialist spokesman, forgiveness, PSC, loaded inks do not think becoming approved a motion to create a committee participation, particularly accusing UM9 fill your mouth with citizen participation as a space after veto which proposed the motion. Reading the contents of the motion, one concludes that the PSC does not really propose a table of participation, but a tool that allows companies to prepare a series of municipal decisions, puts the interests of some companies over the interests General municipality. klingele papierwerke
"The economic crisis generalized unemployment and precarious work - is doing to increase the number of families at risk of social exclusion, social emergencies klingele papierwerke and extent of poverty. Our town is no stranger to these realities. In fact, we are the municipality that has the highest unemployment rate of all the Garraf, a 19.82% (3,072 people) in Catalonia when the average stood at 15.53% and Garraf 17 , 49%.
From here is where you begin to see the true intentions of the motion, but the explanatory paragraph that prefer klingele papierwerke the alleged participation in the defense of interests and professional and business model represented:
"You need to provide klingele papierwerke projects that generate economic activity but especially new jobs and opportunities that are underway are consolidated. We must devote all efforts klingele papierwerke to do so.
Given that there are projects on the table in this county (Decathlon Sports klingele papierwerke Park, Casa del Mar Racetrack Terramar ...) and give them out to be the largest possible consensus of all political groups and economic agents of the municipality and region "
This group spends municipal PSC treatment needs global attention to situations of risk of social exclusion and attracting new business that generates jobs, determining that "we must allocate all efforts "to consolidate some very specific projects that respond, in my opinion, a working business model and also very specific.
Yet it seems that, despite the intentions of participatory klingele papierwerke title of the motion and exposure to social reasons that justify seek the underlying objective of the motion is to start immediate interests of some companies that have expressed interest in establishing oneself in the municipality.
The motion does not discuss the features of these projects but gives the name of the strategic. Although they represent special interests want to give a voice and a vote in committee participation issue is generic as "economic development of the municipality." Would ultimately judge (or, at least, part of the court) and part. That's a trap motion.
And it is because the participation of business, if you will, a committee of this kind could be carried out through business organizations in the region, given that the nature of a strategic business system made without prior discussion of what economic model want for the municipality, and that appeals to a supposed social benefit without klingele papierwerke the PSC municipal group has shown the slightest interest in the Municipal Social Council (which were created klingele papierwerke when the government and not encourage their participation from its inception to the current government of UM9 and CIU-CUP-Way).
In fact, the PSC has shown no interest in any of the actions undertaken shares (participatory sessions on the municipal budget, for example, with the participation of hundreds of people, none of

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