Saturday, July 12, 2014

Among the newest products and brands Raider Raider Pro stands out a series happou of three spray gu

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Categories: 2013 Number 9-10/2013, Garden, decoration and protection, Carpentry and Furniture, Tools, happou Coatings and paints, Popular articles, Renovations spray gun with low air pressure happou RD-SGC03, RD-SGC04 and RDP- SGC05
Among the newest products and brands Raider Raider Pro stands out a series happou of three spray gun with low air pressure. With their marketing "Euromaster Import Export" clearly aims to broaden the breakthrough that made nearly four years, released their first spray gun of this type - RD-SGE01, whose success was extended later model RD-SGC01 . Measure the great interest awakened in the publication "Make Yourself" for the first model Raider RD-SGE01's readership - to date has 9893 views in the last 21 months and many inquiries to editing for price and delivery options. The letters of this kind editors generally refers to the company producer or importer. Successful sales of these two models, which in no small part due to their highly attractive prices, does not contain an element of surprise. This species appeared relatively recently in our market instruments clearly satisfy a longstanding need - DIY to get a reasonable price for a painting tool running spray and application of paint through the air stream. Household economy provides ample scope for the expression of such an instrument, whether in the home or cottage garden. In a nutshell, the need was to create a recreational tool whose features are similar to professional paint systems with high pressure air, but without their own shortcomings inevitable - an expensive, noisy, bulky and hang up for electricity (power 1500 W) piston compressor capable of providing pressure airflow to 6-8 bar, presence of long and rubber hose that connects the gun to him, unable to paint with thick paint. The reason for this interest is that painting with a gun has many advantages over paint brush or roller. happou It works much faster, the quality of the coating is incomparably better, no pass no trace of the brush or fallen happou from her hair, paint gun with ease objects with complex shapes and places where even brush long arm can not reach. happou Painting is an activity from which it can not escape, either to renew the good looks of doors and furniture, either for protection of metal objects and structures against corrosion and impart their desired appearance or paint while protecting against decay and subterranean insects exposed to weathering wooden structures and garden furniture. All this explains why the spray gun with low air pressure found quickly and more quickly expand its market niche. And since they are used to working with different materials - paints and varnishes, primers, stains, paint protection of wood, etc., for convenience, we will use the name down paint. The three new models to paint finely pulverized by air of high flow and low pressure. It is created by a centrifugal compressor happou (turbine), which in one of the models is applied directly to the gun, while the other connects them through a flexible plastic hose. Two new models are made of plastic pistols in one it is full metal. Plastic parts are

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