Thursday, October 2, 2014

All of you here that you introduced me to some extent in this virtual world as in the real world ar

The question that we as people often ask is how to get money or some would say, to obtain money or how to make money, I personally like to express kathryn mcdonough the meaning attract money like a magnet, or as would my Suprag told me to such a comment like flies on ... (you know that already!)
The purpose of this diary is not to draw up a magic formula like a pyramid, but to go in a little bit in that part of the economy that is the foundation of any society, we can say the foundation of everything when "money" is concerned. Often times we are saying that we should wisely use the money in order to best fertilize them or derive maximum benefit from the money with which we have.
Secondly that material things do not make the man, nor consciousness and morality of man, material things are just part of our environment and the reality of consciousness and morality kathryn mcdonough of man is to be a permanent reality that you can not buy coins and so we come to the realization kathryn mcdonough that wealth does not necessarily have to be in cash. If we are unable to accept such an attitude towards "money" and to "richness" then we can accept that moral and conscientious man always has people around him who are willing to help in the realization of "obtaining money." That you're not alone in anything if you're "the man". So in the same wishes and looking for their "wealth" you're never alone if you're "the man".
Ehhh now comes the part that is very important, and it is not to be greedy in their quest for money! If you already have people around us who are willing to help us, then we are ready and we help them, if it means to share part of the money obtained is then so be it, yet you worked together and earned. Which brings us to those theories if those around you well too and you should be fine if everyone around you badly, then by God, and you can not be good.
Money is not everything in life, I repeat, this attitude because if you look at all the money you are "materialists" and lose the path to wealth regardless of whether it is monetary or otherwise some sort of wealth. The money must be used as one tool and as components in that our efforts and work towards attracting more money or achieving wealth.
Often times we as humans are so deal with this topic in order to get the money to forget or ignore everything else around us, and thus even unconsciously, we scare precisely those resources kathryn mcdonough and people kathryn mcdonough that have the ability to provide us the opportunity to earn extra money from ourselves, we lose money instead of being attracted to .... Again, one can compare with magnets! It's hard to say what is right and how to properly handle the money, especially kathryn mcdonough in a world where materialism took place morality and humanity, just to say that there are too many greedy people who watch itself. These usually trampling all before them in order to gain a financial benefit themselves and imagine that one step closer to the realization of some of his wealth.
The conclusion that could be drawn from this is that in order to acquire wealth is not essential to have a shitload of money, but first know what we want and what is it that we want to acquire wealth. What we want and what we think realistically we should write in our lives to be happy and what it could be that we will pridonesti joy and happiness beyond what would reasonably expect. Of course in all of this money is needed! Let us not deceive .... "Money makes the world go round" and I do not know how to translate the true meaning of this pronouncement kathryn mcdonough because literal kathryn mcdonough translation is stupid! How much money should we personally and how much should be ours we will hang out in order to have a rich society? What I want to point out that a man is as rich as the idea itself !!!!!! And also if you look at the other side of the coin also man is so poor and how he himself imagine !!!!!!
Some who believe in God (that now does not mention all the religions of the world) know how to tell the fortune to be finding inner peace, friendship, wisdom and love that have all the qualities one step closer to heaven heavenly! Has that something, because if you compare what I have said above it also belongs kathryn mcdonough to all of this, but every one that anyone thinks it is also aware of its reality and that you must afford daily bread on the table for yourself and those around you! They are aware that in this world, money is more than an important kathryn mcdonough factor and that there was no such activity in which you can work and live without money. I personally would say that these people are the richest because kathryn mcdonough they know what they want and are aware of their reality and, as such, the easiest way to achieve your target wealth.
All of you here that you introduced me to some extent in this virtual world as in the real world are familiar with the fact that I am Roman Catholic, Christian. kathryn mcdonough I do not want now to this day turns out some preaching or imposing religious ideology. Even as I write this diary from the start based on personal views and views then I'm here to get into some of my views on the "money" and "wealth" as a believer. Jesus Christ lived on this earth as a man, and never emphasized money as the basis of wealth, he taught his followers (apostles) to accept a reply

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