Saturday, August 9, 2014

Entries Jean-Luc Godard: Whether or not he said no, that

RZ | Radio City | Movie Reviews | I Am Love" and the death of the local economy
Home> Radio City> Film Criticism> "I Am Love" and the death of the local economy Published: August 8 1389 Print the "I Am Love" and the death of the local economy when V.
The North American theaters next month List of films vocal explosions and killing men, rifles in hand, many technical table edge protector Jnblhay magic and love melodrama, directed by Italian film "Lvcha Gadagnynv" to fit on the screen, reminiscent of real movie magic. The film "I Am Love", the beauty of the whole, more than anything reflects global changes that Italy's economy will fall out.
In the first scene of the movie, we went to the front of dozens table edge protector of servants, table edge protector cooks and catering, we are preparing a birthday dinner for Mr. "Richie", the grandfather of the family table edge protector and head of one of the largest textile manufacturers in Italy.
Meanwhile, tables, silk scarves, exquisite catering equipment, china, silverware and candlesticks are arranged on a large table for dinner parties and other family members and guests on a snowy night, calmly insight into the big, old building that The factory is owned by the eldest son.
The camera on the role of a modern speaker, urging the Italian aristocracy no live recordings from the outset by insisting unilaterally against the actions of workers, especially women and children that nannies like the landlady, "Tilda Swinton" comes to mind.
Relax camera and its slick moves, table edge protector along with local lighting and heavy and rich colors, proudly announced her retirement, the chairman of the factory at night in the luxurious rooms spread. Video tricks suggests that family business empire, "Richie," which has a long tradition in the Italian economy has been transitioning to the next generation.
Expected, but the eldest table edge protector son taking over his father's factory, it is impossible to look cool when it sought to reject table edge protector any emotion, looking at his son shadab table edge protector and idealistic Mtmvlanh full of Letafatkar life, affair. At the same time, Tilda Swinton plays the wife of the eldest son, with smiles tightly controlled, guests enter the home says welcome.
Gather around the table, and after the death of his grandfather's birthday candles, the language is learned that the company should be run jointly by the son and grandson. Grandpa said that this decision implicitly Survival and accumulate vast wealth Khandvadh "Richie" in the interests of the owners of wealth to protect his son and calculating dry and the rights of workers to the grandchildren is soft and free from greed.
Chndsdsalh calm and keep repeating the same things could be otherwise, but changes in Italian society and the world is happening. In the words of writer and film director most immediate change supporters are women in this show of wealth table edge protector transfer, as always, remains of the time.
Select Tilda Swinton and play silent and sad and happy at the same time in its modern form, Gahanhtryn director was chosen. James experimental films "Jarmn understanding," and hero of the film "I Am Love", the guests can cool smile and synthetic rushes away and instead, electricity bitterness in his disconcerting eyes away.
Suggested according to one of the characters, the richer the Richie family. Despite initial opposition, but half-baked liberal grandson, Buy now "Richie", the Italian national economies to drive more profit, the rate of decay of religious and moral values table edge protector of the Italian added.
After venturing to the family granddaughters 'Ritchie' to spend it, how pre Tyynshdhash candidate table edge protector denies her hair is short, the art tools which he had expected change, and ultimately come out of the closet and another woman Love is expressed in the traditional exclusion zone, a gap is created the film's central theme of love in the marriage process.
Tilda Swinton is one of the most brilliant acting skills in the film "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf played the second half of the film, "I Am Love", the gap and step by step guidance for the rest Hnrmndanhash Magic Motion "Lvcha Gadagnynv" Italy Italian national capitalism after the collapse of the foundation of traditional values, the Sharanhtryn and unsettles Gstakhanhtryn possible.
With all of these movies, I love it, especially the second half is almost silent, but later described table edge protector this part of the experience, trust and your beautiful image to see film, "The I love my," I have invitation .
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Entries Jean-Luc Godard: Whether or not he said no, that's not the kids screaming and cursing people behind critic joke

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